Menubar Clock


The clock in OSX.1.2 just decides to go away for no reason. I thought it might have something to do with International settings but that was fine. BUT, when I restart the clock comes back. It may stick around for a couple of days and then again it may not. Does anybody have any ideas?

BTW - I went ahead and dl'd PTH Clock from VT ad I like it better (mainly because it works).

You could try deleting the file in your ~/Library/Preferences folder. That's what fixed my menu bar clock problems I was having...
No it actually disappears. I can click, run the mouse over where it should be or close all the programs out and it still is not there.
if it is still gone with all apps closed and only the finder running, then it is a problem. mine disappears regularly when i launch certain apps (like the Opera i am using now) which is still a pain and i have taken to keeping a watch by the computer. these developers who allow it to go away need to get it together.

uh, yea, trash the pref file and see if that works.
This has happened to me when all the menubar items go away perminently. You might try logining out and then bck in again.