Merry X'mas!!

I wanted to do the same thing...
But everyone is deathly affraid to use colored lights around my place nowadays. All "Christmas Lights" are now yellow/white.
Bleh! :(

Nice looking site! :)
well, i really should come in here screaming and shouting to have this thread moved :rolleyes: , but what the hey... Merry X mas everyone!! :)

and a happy MWSF :D
Nice pages :) thanks guys! Just got back home... have a one day trip to Macau.
yes white used to be very nice, now it is the norm. what is the next white? who will be future xmas trend setters? maybe if i could aquafy my house next year i would be up to 2001 standards.
Originally posted by twister
This is the ecard i created at work. Someone else did the graphics i did the animation. not perfect but it's cool. :D


That someone was me. Twister is curently "up north" with his main squeeze.

The boss wanted something hip. So we gave it to him.

I hope everyone had a great holiday and hope you celebrate the coming of a new year to your fullest!
Originally posted by boi
what's xmas?

X'mas - Christmas (maybe for someone who are not christian, i don't know)

but we are os X user, so merry X mas!
interesting. i guess i'll call Martin Luthor King Day XDay from now on =P.