Messenger for Mac issues.... help required please.


Hi All

I have downloaded Messenger for Mac, but each time I try to log in it says 'I must download a newer version of Messenger for Mac in order to continue.' Or words to that effect. The Messenger box does open, with a link in it asking for me to sign in, but then this popup asking for me to download the latest.

OK, thats fine, then it starts downloading the latest version, but when this is completed I have no idea what happens. Do I need to click on something? is there another version I need to install? Sorry for being a noob, but I am totally new to the fantastic world of MacOS and have no idea where the new downloaded file is placed.

Any advice greatly appreciated. Many thanks.

Update: It seems to have placed a file called Messenger.bin on my desktop. When I click on this, there isn't an application associated with this file type and it asks me which application do I want to use to open it. I cancel as I am not sure this is the way it is meant to be.

The .bin will open in stuffit

What Mac OS are you using? If you are using OSX you will be better off using Adium

The old Mac Messenger is probably out_dated now as MSN has changed protocols in their networks and things. And Mac Messenger was made for older Macs to work and hasn't been updated for a good five or six years, so go with Adium for OSX
hehe... great advice. I did a search on google for messenger.bin and found out exactly what you have just suggested. I have downloaded and installed Adium.

Yeah fryke, I think he may of being refering to Mac Messenger seen it was a .bin file and not Microsofts version of MSN for Mac as that would be a .dmg and that's why I pointed him to Adium, but yet again MSN for Mac was probably in a .bin in early years too, but looks like he's happy now hehe
I had the same problem. Evidently in my case the short cut kept pointing back to the older version of MSN which was hidden in my MS Office folder. Make sure you detele the older versions of MSN (or messenger, whatever you want to call it) from your system. Then copy the downloaded application to you application folder. Make sure you copy the app and not the .DMG folder.

Good Luck!