Michigan Avenue Apple Store opening today

What did you modify in the picture? It looks like the same. Toast note that Michigan Avenue is the hottest downtown, and like with any city, the people downtown are a lot skinnier than in the suburbs or countryside.
lol, I love your comment about the McDonalds epidemic...And we're trying to spread it as widely as possible - I remember pulling into the Hauptbahnhof (main train station) in Zurich a few years back and seeing a *HUGE* banner over one of the tracks that said "McWelcome!" (with McDonald's M and everything).

Bad taste knows no bounds...no pun intended.
Originally posted by Giaguara
Nor do i count in those pictures where i am (on the link, not at the pics i posted) as i'm not from the states. :p ;)

Which pics? These?

Tough to be sure, but I'd say you wouldn't qualify anyway =)
What you're seeing, Toast, is a bunch of COMPUTER NERDS who spend an inordinate amount of time sitting and snacking. I honestly hope that one picture- displaying people that are unlikely to excercise enough- doesn't really make you generalize a country. Nobody's that gullible.

If you were just joking around, I apologize.
I read yesterday in a magazine that the 2 fattest cities in USA would be Houston and Chicago. I'm sure Chicago is not the number 2 though! In countryside (michigan, minnesota, wisconsin, texas etc) people tend to not give so big importance to how they look - compared to the downtown-people of any city. People i've seen in various countryside here seem more ... voluminous. Generally. Sorry. (That is an unpersonalisation, so against nobody).

Maybe the Chicago as the 2nd fattest city is something like The Fattest Country Of Europe - guiltyness: In UK they always claim "the british are the fattest europeans, only the people in USA are in media fatter than british", and in italy they claim the same thing (replace uk with italy, and british with italian) and so do they in finland (replaced word > finland and finnish) and probably they try to make Belgian, Swedish, Norwegian, German etc feel the gulty on the same way. "WEEE are the fattest" > "hint: buy this cellulite cream or get a monthly pass to gym we are marketing .."

If i was on that picture toast would not have been joking or i'd have been easy to spot out at least ... :)
Originally posted by Azzgunther
What you're seeing, Toast, is a bunch of COMPUTER NERDS who spend an inordinate amount of time sitting and snacking. I honestly hope that one picture- displaying people that are unlikely to excercise enough- doesn't really make you generalize a country. Nobody's that gullible.

If you were just joking around, I apologize.

Let's take some pics from the opening of a Mac retailer (not Apple Store, but very similar), in my hometown, for comparison between USA-Europe:


(I'm on many of the pictures, and I know I look pretty shabby because I spent the night outside the store for getting half price on an iPod :D)
I can't wait until the new Aventura (FL) Store opens...I'm sure it's gonna be just as huge an event. But it's in a mall, so no camping out:(