Microsoft Adverts (UK)

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Looks like MS are getting ready to vista us in the UK. But what a poor advert they are using about security! It is just some dude in a living room and MS telling us they are big on security now; which I doubt it will be like Apple and Linux but anyway. None of that jazzy apple dancing or the intel factory ads with the Keifer voice over. What is MS doing; some old geezer directing what he thinks is good for MS. I have been saying this for a while now that certain areas of MS are getting stagnant.

I just do not see how that type of lame MS advert is going to make me stop this process of moving to Apple.

Sell it to me, sell it to me, I want to be sold an idea. Apple is doing it and beating MS from my view point. Why else am I a die hard windows user for years even here. Apple must be doing something right to bag me. I am already shaking in anticipation of an Intel Power Mac. Can't say I feel that way about a Dell/Vista machine - can you?

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