Microsoft - Age of Mythology


One of my friends from church has been getting into this game - can't stop talking about it! I saw the game's ad in MacWorld recently, and I plan on buying it to give it a chance. Is anybody else planning on it?
Dear All,

If a demo becomes available, I will try before I buy. But I hear that the game is similar to Age of Empires II and Civ III, if so I'll past as I have these games already.

Don't know what else to say, so I won't...
i would consider buying if it has a demo and seemed considerably different from Galactic BattleGrounds and Warcraft3 :D, which are both awesome
i have played MsAoM on my brother's PeeCee and I have to say ... don't bother with that game it gets boring with all that God's powers... the animation at the opening of the game is really cool thou... other than that the only new thing is that microsoft limits you with only three civs... :confused:

I'm not a huge fan of that kind of games but i had a lot more fun with MsAoE also it's a shame that sierra has never released Empire Earth for Mac if you have not tried it yet, go buy a PC and a copy of that game you won't regret it
Originally posted by BoneFill
i have played MsAoM on my brother's PeeCee and I have to say ... don't bother with that game it gets boring with all that God's powers... the animation at the opening of the game is really cool thou... other than that the only new thing is that microsoft limits you with only three civs... :confused:

I'm not a huge fan of that kind of games but i had a lot more fun with MsAoE also it's a shame that sierra has never released Empire Earth for Mac if you have not tried it yet, go buy a PC and a copy of that game you won't regret it
Sierra's dead...
Originally posted by Androo
hahaha i love the name of this thread
Microsoft - Age of Mythology
lol, I didn't even realize how funny that is! :D

As far as three races goes, I'm content with that. If the races are balanced like in Starcraft, I'm looking forward to it.

I played the first Age of Empires, and I always got pissed off at the enemy's mind-controlling priests. They would just keep mumbling and converting my guys... mumbling and converting and my guys... So I stopped playing—I showed THEM! :)