Microsoft is dumb!

u would think the would send him that many copies. Then again. :rolleyes: I ordered 2 Scion Booklets because i didn't get the first one in "on time" (4 weeks) and got them both in at the same time.
Did you guys read any of the other posts? There was a big flame because someone who works at Microsoft was really upset and putting the blame for outsorcing on this guy. He was making this whole stink about how this dude is screwing Microsoft workers and what not. So rediculous.

When I read that stuff it was like wow... Do you have any idea how much money MS screws out of people? Lets take Dell for example. From any part of the online store (that I have seen) you CANNOT buy a computer from Dell without a microsoft operating system. This sucks for at least two reasons:

1. Say I wanted to buy a PC laptop for whatever reason and Dell makes the best one for my needs. The thing is I use Linux for whatever reason, so I will not need an OS installed on it, I can do it my self when I get it. Oh but what is this? I cannot order a dell with out an OS. So I am screwed out of about 100 dollars.

2. Businesses or institutions that own Corprate Licenses have already spent I dont even know how much on the Corprate license, They don't have the option to get the PC with out the OS, they still have to pay for it. It's like paying 2 times for one thing.

I work as a student tech at my school. It's just like example 2 above. We have the corprate license but EVERY computer that comes in has its own license of XP pro on it. The day it comes in we re-image the machine and on goes our corprate license. It is just like throwing money away.
Hilarious. But he didn't "stick it to Microsoft" one single bit.

The people who work in the fulfillment department that scan, sort and prepare these CDs have nothing to do with Microsoft's monopoly or horrible business tactics. $1,000 to Microsoft is not even an eye blink, so I can understand why the people in fulfillment were upset with him. You can't expect these people to have morals and ethics so grandiose that they would say, "Hey, I refuse to work for Microsoft because of this, that and the other." They've got families, homes, apartments, car loans and bills to pay for, and they're working to support those things.

Hehe... when you think about it, he actually helped Microsoft by advertising to over 100 people via word of mouth, basically. That's $1,000 well spent by Microsoft -- if I could spend $1,000 and get my product into 100 peoples' hands, well then, that would be the best $1,000 I ever spent!

The best thing anyone could ever do to "stick it to Microsoft" is to completely ignore them. Do not visit the website. Do not use Windows. Do not mention Internet Explorer. Don't order SP2. Don't order SP2 more than once. And by God, do NOT pass out free copies of SP2 to everyone you know.

Still, that's friggin' hilarious.