Microsoft launches Switch Campaign! Why XP rules!

dude they are trying ti say appleworks sucks when everyone knows it does so that was pointless :rooleyes:

"Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 does more for me than Netscape Navigator ever did" uhhh lady you are stupid! if netscape don't work Download something else ><

and then they try and say you can set everything up in three steps then its a page long...

nice try Micro$oft
Um... as I start reading that page over XP I notice one thing.
I started reading a cached page, that was pulled before anybody else got to read it & at the same time I'm watching a Switch commercial with Tony Hawk praising apple.

What would you trust? A page, by a nameless MS rep, that got pulled from M$'s own web server or an add involving a respectable dad talking about making movies of his child?
well, at least i think it's a well done ad, compared to Apple's switchers who all look like dorks - apart from the celebs. i hope Apple switches to a different marketing campaign before I EVER have to see one of the Switch ads on Swiss or German TV...
I always thought the Apple switch campaign was totally stupid.
But I had a great time to watch some of this people how they told some stupid things. I love the one who says in the end "I am an IT manager". Hehehe...

And now Microsoft is copying that crap.

Who is more a fool, the fool or the fool that follows him?
The other day I was making a joke of M$ having a Switch page so in order that I would be able to switch from Macs to Wintels and now comes this?


Yep! After reading the so-called switch from Macs to XP I made the decision...

I WILL SWITCH... the new PowerMacs that will come out on January!? that is :D

As for Apple's switch stuff although I don't like them, it seems that people find them comical and with that in mind they like them a lot... You know why they think that they are comical? Because they think that if they were on those videos they could say more or less the same if NOT funnier things about Wintel... Like:
-I plugged my new USB modem on the USB port of my PC and instead of playing with my new modem the PC was REBOOTING again and again until I unplugged the USB modem...
-My new P4 and/or Athlon XP 2GHz in order to boot needs first at least one Reset each and every time!!!
-I installed my legal copy of XP Pro after a long and painful procedure only to find out that I had to Activate via internet or phone the product or else the system would lock up after some time: What is this? Am I a criminal? Can one LOGICAL person imagine buying a DVD or an Audio CD or a Game only to find out that you have to use the above mentioned ways to Activate the product or else they would not play after some time? I don't want to call or to connect with anyone to use a product that I paid for it...

For the last part we (our business) thanks M$!!! In the last couple of months we sold 4-5 eMacs because people didn't like the song that M$ sings with XP... Thank you M$ ;)
Apple uses real people, M$ used a stock photo, it wasn't even a real picture of their own employee. And their comparison of Office to AppleWorks...they forgot to mention the difference in price tag, they'd have you think Office came free with XP. NOt to mention that IE is the default Mac browser, yet they tout it over Navigator....sooo stupid.......good thing it's gone,.
Just a link for those who don't know how fake this ad actualy is...

Investigative work by a reporter from the Associated Press tracked down the person behind the story who turned out to be an employee of the Wes Rataushk & Associates ad agency.

This was the company that was employed by Microsoft to draw up the adverts about switchers.

Microsoft has now pulled the page from its website and said it 'regretted' its action.

On a completely different stance. I can see why a Mac user, employed by microsoft, would switch. Incessant badgering from co-workers, MS discounts, etc.. I'm sure there aren't too many wintel users at apple!
Haha...what's really great about this is all of those M$ users that watch the news will feel a bit ashamed (mb?). I've been watching TV all of today (because I'm feeling under the weather) and I've already seen the fake switch story about 12 times! :)

I love being a Mac user!!!
Originally posted by Trip
Haha...what's really great about this is all of those M$ users that watch the news will feel a bit ashamed (mb?).
I don't think so.

PC users are not so devoted to their OS supplier as Mac Users. Fact is, most of them won't even care.
never been a huge fan of the switch ads myself... i mean people are ignorant if they believe some of the stuff "i cant do anything, it just crashes" :eek:

but this is even more ridiculus lol

oh well successful advertising, no matter how lame, is always copied unfortunately, M$ just doesnt know how to advertise, fools got billions of dollars and cant make a successful ad sheesh lol
Originally posted by Tigger
I don't think so.

PC users are not so devoted to their OS supplier as Mac Users. Fact is, most of them won't even care.

Well... I haven't seen SSManicDevlin in this thread for a while. I bet he wishes he hadn't posted this now :D
hahahahahahaha. That made my day...
Apple comercials have always been different (think different, anyone?) from the stock PC commercials that try to sell PC's like stylized cars. Bacuse these comercials are different than the rest, they stand out, and people talk about that. Point is, Apple has a successfull ad campaign. When the competition (M$) attempts to imitate it, they only prove that the ad campaign was successful enough to grab their attention. The fact that Microsnot got caught trying to immitate Apple's ad campaign (and immitate it badly), is just too funny... Wait until Dell or Gateway try something like this... ;)
As Emeril would say: "BAM!"

MS pulls another fraudulent testimonial! :D:D:D:D:D

Microsoft has yanked another of its fraudulent user testimonials, in this case a fictitious twelve-year-old boy raving about a fictional homework assignment and the indespensable insights he received from MS Encarta Reference Library in preparing it.
he he he, this keeps getting better and better.

Who said microsoft isn't good for anything.... The comic relief is great :D