Microsoft Sues 17 Year Old Over Use of Own Name.

cockneygeezer said:
Pathetic, absolutely pathetic. Typical American lawyer bullsh*t. Is that the answer to everything in the USA? Sue them?
Actually, if I am not mistaken, it was Microsoft's Canadian division and lawyers that filed the suit. Not the US, although I am sure they supported it.
cockneygeezer said:
It's not like that Mike Rowe (soft) name is spelt the same as Microsoft™ is it! Ain't the USA meant to be the land of the Free, democracy and all that, and yet, if you don't conform, i.e. change your name or else, you'll be sued?
Well, that's what is at issue. Is a phoenetical spelling protected under a companies trademark? I would hope not. But this is what is at stake.

I agree, this is a bunch of shiat. I think that Microsoft has overstepped it's bounds on this one. I just hope the judge throws it out.
Good luck, Mike Rowe!
Blame Canada...blame Canada...(sorry, just a South Park thing coming to mind...). The kid screwed up by shooting his mouth off with the 10k thing and it will definitely do damage to his case. There were much better ways of handling that which would have not added fuel to their fire.

In the end he would probably be wiser to drop the 'soft' off the name. It won't cost him a butload in defense, which most likely is going to result in an order for the termination of 'business use' for the domain...similar to the thing that recently happened. There's no reason to put 'soft' in the name of the business, especially since he has no link with software. I don't see a judge missing that point.

Funny thing about it is if you go to one of the sites this kid designed, you get the good old "Your browser is not Win32 compatible" popup.
... hmm, is free? not even an italian or japanese could mix mykerowesoft to microsoft or vice versa .. but the engrish japanese thing .. would be fun :D
He got something for his troubles and his 15 minutes of fame. It's not like he's Star Wars Kid or something enduring such as that.
isn't he selling some document he got from microsoft where they kinda told him he is using a bad domain and he should give it up? I think I read its on more than $2000 now. Not bad...
Eh, he got off pretty well, all things considered. I don't think he should have tried to squeeze more money out of Microsoft, even if they do have a $50 billion cash cache in the bank. He got off a lot better than he might have.

He should register LOL