Microsoft to tweak Office for Macs

They're prolly going to make it really buggy to "convince" people to switch to Windows, making them think all of the mac softwares like that.
Wouldn't that just convince people that Microsoft's products are crap? I'm glad that I can finally start replacing MS products on my system. I replaced entourage with GyazMail, which rocks, and I have X11 & installed. Unfortunately, i still have to use Word to make PDF's cus OpenOffice can't use the built-in "save as pdf" feature.. :(
Anyone know of a Darwin-ready Postscript-PDF "printer" app??
Originally posted by Pengu
Wouldn't that just convince people that Microsoft's products are crap? I'm glad that I can finally start replacing MS products on my system. I replaced entourage with GyazMail, which rocks, and I have X11 & installed. Unfortunately, i still have to use Word to make PDF's cus OpenOffice can't use the built-in "save as pdf" feature.. :(
Anyone know of a Darwin-ready Postscript-PDF "printer" app??

Whats wrong with Apple's Mail app??
I don't think MS is really afraid of Apple. MS is afraid of Linux (maybe), but as long as Apple stays below 10% (which it will for a while), it's just another platform they make money on (Office). If StarOffice/ ever becomes a real threat, it's going to be cross-platform, anyway.

Making Office 11 for the Mac worse than the Windows version isn't Microsofts intention...
I don't understand why some people don't like Microsoft Mac software. Do you guys really dislike the software and the way it works, or are you more preoccupied with the Microsoft logo?

I'd rather Microsoft made software for the Mac than not, that's all. I personally prefer MS Entourage over Mail if only because Mail's attachment scheme sucks.

p.s. I like Safari better than Explorer now.
Reminds me... I have to say that I think you're right about's attachment handling. I hope we'll get a user preference on how to display the attachments.

Yet, I think that is the better E-Mail client for other features.

About Microsoft Word... I have to say that I was a fan of MS Word 5.1a on the Macintosh. But ever since the feature set and text-handling was merged with the Windows version (Word 6.0, Office 4.2) I think that something went wrong. I think Word is okay for me to open documents, edit and print them, but I don't like creating texts in it at all. The way it tries to also be the layout application is terrible. The way it wants to know what I'm trying to achieve (the infamous "you seem to be writing a letter" kind of attitude)... I really, really hope that Apple will come out with a great new AppleWorks version or a stand-alone word processing application. As a writer, I need a good application for writing.

I remember when I first switched to Mac OS X for writing: Mac OS X Public Beta on my blueberry iBook 300 with 192 MB RAM. TextEdit has been my word processing app ever since.
Originally posted by fryke
Reminds me... I have to say that I think you're right about's attachment handling.

You are absolutely right on this and I have raved about this for hours on this forum. As a result of Apple's inaction in making Macs interact perfectly with the Windows world (so much for switching), although I use Mail all the time, whenever I need to send an attachment to anyone important, I use Entourage.

They're prolly going to make it really buggy to "convince" people to switch to Windows, making them think all of the mac softwares like that.

This isn't a long shot - remember Office when Apple went to the PowerPC in 1994 or so - 5 minutes to boot Word 6... while all other apps ran fine.
I don't understand why some people don't like Microsoft Mac software. Do you guys really dislike the software and the way it works, or are you more preoccupied with the Microsoft logo?
Um. I don't like Microsoft for the fact that they make sh!t software, that is full of holes and bugs, and yet they try to make people think they make great software. People say "If windows is so bad why do so many people use it??"
You could say the same of smoking.

p.s. I like Safari better than Explorer now.
What, you CHOSE to use IE before Safari was released? Surely the Almost-Windows-Almost Not form elements and general ick-ness of IE is enough for you to go somewhere else for your browsing needs. Surely with iCab, OmniWeb, Chimera, Mozilla and Opera on offer, you can't say IE is the "best" browser, even for specific sites/features.
Whats wrong with Apple's Mail app??
Uh. I tried to use it when I first got OSX. But compared to (then)Entourage 2001, it was crap in my opinion. It seems to me like its designed for very simple mail use. I just don't like it.
I have never really understood the hatred of MS on Mac products either. The Mac Business Unit at MS is like the rebel punk child of the company. They really are trying to write quality software, and I think it shows. Office for Mac kicks the cheese out of the Windows counterparts. That's not to say that there's not room for improvement, but I just view them as any other software producer for Mac. I like having the option. I choose not to use Entourage, and I prefer Keynote to Powerpoint, but Word is a fine program, and while I don't use it a ton I can't find anything really negative to say about Excel.

IE does suck. But we all knew that.
Originally posted by MDLarson
I don't understand why some people don't like Microsoft Mac software. Do you guys really dislike the software and the way it works, or are you more preoccupied with the Microsoft logo?

I'd rather Microsoft made software for the Mac than not, that's all. I personally prefer MS Entourage over Mail if only because Mail's attachment scheme sucks.

p.s. I like Safari better than Explorer now.

Actually, I love MS Word and wouldn't think of using Appleworks before my Office .X stuff. You're right; they wouldn't break their own applications, but during the whole time they were trying to buy Macromedia they definately would have made it crappy for the mac for developers/etc.
Originally posted by Pengu
Uh. I tried to use it when I first got OSX. But compared to (then)Entourage 2001, it was crap in my opinion. It seems to me like its designed for very simple mail use. I just don't like it.
I don't know about that - i've been using Entourage for about 12 months solidly with 5 different email accounts. It was pretty stable, and did everything i wanted it to do.

Then i got a new 12" PowerBook, and because i hadn't loaded Office on, i 'temporarily' used Mail in the interim. Haven't looked back. Entourage is just clunky and pointless compared with Mail's seamless interaction with Address Book, iCal and the Mac OS in general. (not to mention the cool little number on the dock icon that tells you how many new messages you have).

I manage 5 accounts now using Mail (sending and receiving 20+ mails a day), and it's just seamless, easy and uncluttered. The only thing i use Entourage now is for Hotmail.

Bring on hotmail support for Mail!!!!
(or - someone tell me how i can do it... idon't care if i have to pay for it)
I haven't tried ms office v.X, i ignored it because of the price tag. go figure. The question isn't whether we hate or like microsoft, it's just how much they charge for apps which some of us consider broken than fixed.
I personally use Appleworks for homework/essays and text edit for anything else.
Hotmail? You're kidding right? That has got to be the WORST free email service I have EVER seen. And. As for Entourage, I never said it wasn't stable or anything. And I never said it wasn't "Clunky". I agree in part that it is a bit bloated. That's part of the reason I changed to Gyazmail. It has the all-in-one interface simmilar to Entourage, with the lightness of Mail, and just the right amount of coolness.

And. also.
I haven't tried ms office v.X, i ignored it because of the price tag. go figure.
This will probably be editted, but I also never said I paid for Office. :p
i wasn't having a go at you, pengu.

I was just trying to extoll Mail's virtues.

and some of us are simply stuck with old email addresses that we can't shake off ;)
Originally posted by Pengu
Hotmail? You're kidding right? That has got to be the WORST free email service I have EVER seen. And. As for Entourage, I never said it wasn't stable or anything. And I never said it wasn't "Clunky". I agree in part that it is a bit bloated. (snip...) This will probably be editted, but I also never said I paid for Office. :p

Why would you think we would edit your post? You've stated an opinion about Hotmail. To be edited, you would have had to say: "You're using Hotmail? You're a complete ***, can't you *** *** ***? It seems like you *** *** ***. And you don't have to pay for Office, you can get it from *** *** *** ***. Just *** ***."

We moderate according to site policy.
I know this is off-topic, but I hear only two (and a half) bells: M$ entourage vs. Mail (or Gyazmail). I'm a very happy, very satisfied Eudora user since years. The lite version is free, but you get to see ads. I have absolutely no problem with that. Everything works fine. The only reason I'd switch to Mail would be the integration with addressbook etc. I've given a look to entourage on a PC and personally I would have no use for most of it's features, it's too big, too heavy. I like eudora because even on my clamshel iBook running Jaguar it launches almost instantly, it is light, fast and straightforward.
Most of these observations apply to the Office suite too: too big, too heavy, too many (useless) features. Of course this depends entirely on the type of work you're doing: this is just my personal experience. If and when Apple is going to make an iOffice, I'd like it to be light and straightforward. No bloatware please!
Also. The thing about editting was that some of the Moderators don't seem to like ANY sort of comments/conversation/etc about any form of piracy, even if its to say no don't do it. I wasn't suggesting you're ALL Moderator-Nazi's :p

Ahh the soup Nazi. What CAN'T he do??