Middle Seat


Does anyone have the LARGE version of the iBook commerical with a guy showing off his iBook to the people in his asile? Someone said Apple "retired" the ad because of requests by email requesting them to retire it because of 9/11/01. I personally think that is stupid and would appreciate anyone who could send me the file.
Try searching on Hotline. Some people actually do run legal servers on there, believe it or not! And some have collections of commercials and stuff.

Go to VT or C|Net to get Hotline for OS X if you don't already have it, since BigRedH.com (at my last check) only has a download link to the Windows version (yes, very stupid. They use us and once their product is big, they jump to the dark side).

http://www.tracker-tracker.com is my favorite hotline server search site.
Originally posted by rcw186
Does anyone have the LARGE version of the iBook commerical with a guy showing off his iBook to the people in his asile? Someone said Apple "retired" the ad because of requests by email requesting them to retire it because of 9/11/01. I personally think that is stupid and would appreciate anyone who could send me the file.

"boo hoo hoo.... i knew someone who's cousins neighbor saw someone a couple weeks before the attacks, so now i want to make everyone believe that Im a true patriot."

Im sorry, but ever since the attacks that has been everyones mentality, to be overly sensitive, and at times completely fake about it. Dont get me wrong, I was affected by it. I live in Long Island NY, luckly me & my dad were able to haul ass out of there. The thing is, that ever since these attack everyones changed and its not changing a damn thing. For heavens sake I've seen people change their store address numbers to not include the number 11 ( like the 13 ). And as for all those BASTARDS who run around on bikes and in pick ups with HUGE flags balling up and down the turnpikes and highways of America... I have one question for you.... where was your flag on 9.10.01
I had one up... and I'm hispanic.
Jayem, I see the point you're trying to make, but it's pretty off topic. There is the 'other' forum at macosx.com that you can talk about touchy topics like this one, but I know that myself, I just use these forums for Mac OS X discussions, it's a great way to get away from the issues of real life and to talk about Mac stuff.
Originally posted by ElDiabloConCaca
I've got it. It's 11.5MB. Downloaded it off apple.com when it was still posted.

Could you put it on your apple homepage or somewhere where I could download it? I would really appreciate it.
i wont to know where you found a hotline client for x!!!!!!
i went to cnet.com and couldent find it
please post a url to it