Migrate fink safely to 10.3?


Licensed Computer Geek
I've got a few things installed via fink, and when I do the 10.3 upgrade, I don't want to kill it all. Can I safely backup the /sw directory, then just restore it into place and expect everything to work? That is, assuming it's not stuff that depends too much on libraries that are going to be changed.
I had to re-install OpenOffice after upgrading to 10.3.

I don't know for Fink applications.
Update fink (File Menu of Fink commander)
Scanpackages (Sources menu)
Self-Upate CVS (Sources menu)
In most cases the /sw dir is self-sufficient. Meaning you should be able to move it without much trouble. I did and have seen no ill effect. If you are doing a straight upgrade to Panther you should have no problems. You might want to check your $PATH env variable and make sure /sw/bin is still in it.

The best source for info on the subject is at http://macosxhints.com, go to the forums and there is a very active community of Fink users. One user in particular by the name of sao is a Fink genius. He has helped me more than once and tackled this topic of migrating Fink a few weeks ago.
Some of the programs may need to be updated, however as fink 0.5 didn't use gcc 3.3. The latest version of fink 0.6.1 uses gcc 3.3, and the website highly recommends upgrading to 0.6.1 when using 10.3.