Minimize in place


Can somebody with the MIP hack and DevTools tell me if there is a line in "" about enabling this feature...

I was playing with some files and it is at "dock.prefpane/contents/resources/english.lproj/prefpane.nib" it is part of the current 10.2.4 release and it seems to be enabled but it is also hidden somehow...

I could install the hack but there is a warning at the hack's site telling that it won't work on 10.2.4...

huh? so, in laymans' terms, assuming I know some terminal basics and pico, how does one enable minimize in place?
adambyte, I guess that's what I should have asked in first place :D

Thanks Dale but it seems that I was wrong cause adding that line to the "" ennables nothing... :p

let the quest begin... :cool:
Hmmm... I installed it a while ago and am now using 10.2.4 and it's working just fine for me. I wonder what problems it causes...?