Missing Accounts Pref Pane


Well, it's exactly as it sounds: my Accounts pref pane is missing. I had to restart unexpectedly the other day, so I reckon /System/Library/PreferencePanes/Accounts.prefPane is corrupt. Is there a good way to restore this, or could someone .dmg up theirs (OS 10.2.6) and put it somewhere (not asking for warex :D )? I *could* archive and install, but I can't be bothered, and for something this simple, it seems overkill.

Try this;

Go into Users --> <Account with problem Users Folder> --> Library --> Caches and once in there delete the file named com.apple.preferencepanes.cache and then login/relogin as that user.
Use Pacifist to hack your OS X installer CD and extract the preference pane you need.
Originally posted by bobw
Try this;

Go into Users --> <Account with problem Users Folder> --> Library --> Caches and once in there delete the file named com.apple.preferencepanes.cache and then login/relogin as that user.

Hmm well that file doesn't exist...i think i'll try the Pacifist method. Cheers all!