1 Energ Star Compliant? Where are the stats for compliance? My computer shuts off the monitor, goes to sleep, etc just like it's supposed to when idle. Last time I checked that was Energy Star Compliant. Please enlighten me.
2 HD spin down: protected memory and pervasive VM combined with self maintenance scripts means the HD gets hit a LOT more. It's the very nature of a modern OS. I'll refrain from further detail, but expecting X to save the HD like 9 is insane, even if 1min spin down did make sense in 9.
3 processor cycling was pervasive in 9, and it was battery sweet. X does not have the same kind of support, and probably never will, even though it will improve. The hardware and OS disagree about how things should be managed. Until new hardware, don't expect processor cycling or other dynamic power options to really return. X actually does burn energy similar to the line of pseudocode you wrote.
4 Labels weren't used by enough people to justify their continued existence. If you want to uniquely identify something now you could add text to the filename, or make the owner or group something specific. There are a large number of options which can supplant labels. This OS was a return to simplicity. More is not better.
5 The bouncy deal, although obnoxious, does get your attention while letting you do other useful work. I think it could have been a bit more subtle, like the app raises its hand or something, but it's functionally correct, and works when the dock autohides.
6 mail menuling. Agreed, that'd be cool, but I'd rather a 3rd party do it. Apple is displacing too many other companies by not leaving room for improvement in its bundled apps. Somebody port e-mailer and make a menuling for it, I'd pay $60