mobile me and multiple email accounts


Just wondering if it is possible to get my work email account (pop) to sync with mobile me as well as my mobile me account?
You can certainly add your work account to Mail next to your MobileMe account. Are you instead asking about downloading your work messages together at There's no syncing, though, for POP accounts.
I've got both accounts downloading new emails on all my devices but wanted to be able to see work email replies made on my iMac from my iPad... Otherwise it limits the usability of the iPad
That's not a limitation of the iPad but of the email account. Change to an IMAP account or send and receive your work email through a Gmail account or MobileMe alias. Well, not the latter yet because iPhone OS doesn't support MobileMe aliases right now.
I use mobileme email, plus I have several pop emails with my ISP etc.
The way I've made it all work transparently for several years now is thus..
I went into the email settings of each POP account, set it to forward all messages to my mobileme email account, once this was working I went into the Mac mail preferences on my computer and turned off the pop accounts, so there is only my mobileme account receiving and sending all messages.
This works well for me, I can receive all messages from all accounts on my iPod Touch, and when I get my iPad it will work also.
BTW, I have 3 mobileme mail aliases, and my Ipod touch has no problem handling them.
So, you're hoping for a way to keep the work messages you send through MobileMe at home to sync with your computer at work? Since POP doesn't sync, the only thing that comes to mind is setting up your Me account at work and dragging the sent messages from your Me sent mailbox to your work sent mailbox.
Thanks, I don't think that will work though. I already have mobile me account set up on all my devices but for some reason in mail on my iMac I can't see my "mobile me" accounts sent items, only the inbox.

I think the solution from jbarley seems to be the best option until iPhone OS4 comes along...
Are you sure there isn't a disclosure triangle next to your MobileMe inbox to reveal drafts, sent, and trash mailboxes? If they're there, you can select them and choose Mailbox > Use this mailbox for > and choose the type of mailbox. Then, each will appear in the proper place in the hierarchy. Moreover, in preferences, are your sent, draft, and deleted messages set to be stored on the server?