Modem trouble 9.2 to X


I am trying to get my G4 onto OSX and whereas in 9.2 I have a 98% rate of hooking up to the internet on the first try, when I go to OS10.2.1 I have a 98% rate of not hooking up - does that ring a bell with anyone ???
are you using the standard modem that shipped with your G4, or have you added an external USB one? if you're using your standard G4 modem, please go over some of your preferences - primarily what you have selected in the "modem" pull-down menu in your system preferences under network. Are either of the checkboxes below the menu selected?
Well - I tried the check on all that and it seems ok, once I was online for 30 min when it actually connected. It seems that it just does not want to lock onto the ISP server when I dial in ( with the built in modem) - most of the time.
If I had something wrong in the preferences, etc. it seems to me I would never be able to connect at all. ?!?
sometimes the higher modem compressions (built into the protocol v.92 for example) has a higher chance of failing. the modem is supposed to drop back to the next most compatible... but that doesn't always work as you saw first hand.
Not being an engineer, I do wonder why the internal modem which is listed for 9.2 and X both as a 56K v90 - should not be running at the same clip no matter which system I am in.
Seems a pity not to be able to use X for the internet - but as long as everything works fine in 9.2 - I'll stick with that.
Thanks for the help offered.
i would tend to agree... however i've seen many complaints on many different forums about poor modem performance in X. there are so many variables that it's very hard to get the exact cause of the problem. but it can be done since there's many people out there that use a modem every day with X.

have you looked in your logs to see if it may be a negotiation error? have you tried the v.34 to see if it connects first time? can we at least narrow it down to the v.90 modem init string....
Thanks for getting me to try that v34 - but that seems an ancient 28K speed.
However - it did work ---only to give me message on IE: server not found (for anything I tried to get) and on Netscape 7.2 not found.
On Mail (of X) I get: The server cannot be contacted on port 110
So did we make progress???
if you get server not found messages, it means 1 of 2 things. either you didn't get an IP from your ISP when you connected, or at the time that you were trying, your ISPs DNS servers were down - both of which wouldn't be your fault. although it's slower v.34 is very reliable... I'm hoping that you'll be able to get a connection and at least get to different sites. That would help my in my process of elimination in identifying the component (hardware or software) that is at fault. I would say try a few different times on v.34 w/ the following:
Enable error correction and compression in modem - checked
wait for dial tone before dialing - checked
Notify me of incoming calls.... - NOT checked

the only item i would toggle would be "enable error correction..." some folks have had luck w/ it on and others with it off. try a few times with both and note the results.
Ah- finally success. If Apple had put in a pop up panel on the G4 that switches between 9.2 and X that said - make sure you check with your ISP what the new ISP numbers are for the X system (since they are not the same as for the 9.2) I would not have spent all these hours hacking about and asking people for help.
So thanks Zero - which you are not - for keeping me going.
I am the proud user now of X, 56kmodem(internal) and at v90 !! and looking forward to cruising with X - which is more useful indeed than 9.2.
Sorry to report that most of the time (98%) it only works on v34.
Would it be possible to use an external modem for the mirror door G4 ?
sure... they make them. it would be an external USB modem that you're looking for. here's a quick link from one of the big catalog resellers...

although I still don't think that there's anything wrong with your internal modem. i still think you're going to have the same connection issue though. since it works fine in 9, and the only change you're making is software, I don't see how getting a new modem will resolve this. i would borrow a modem from a friend first before dropping 50$ on a new modem.
Well - it looks like it is fixed. Someone from the volunteers suggested I try install the MKD System Optimizer - and sure enough I am now always running with v90, no problems all day. I even turned compression/error correction back on.