Monitor resolution error


I mistakenly set my resolution too high on my main Apple 20" Multisync monitor using the display settings in OSX 10.1.5. The screen went black and stayed black no matter what I did. The 2nd monitor was OK.
I tried everything, zapping PRAM, trying to start off in command line but it stayed black.
Booted off a CD into OS9 and there was nothing wrong with the actual monitor. I looked into the OSX System Configurations but shied off deleting the vaguely named file I thought might be the monitor setting preference.
There is nothing quite so debilitating as not being able to see your main screen, except losing control of your mouse (but at least you can keyboard around although not as easily as in OS9).
Eventually swapped my 2 monitors to opposite cards and the monitor became visible again in OSX. When I switched back to the original cards it was still OK but OSX was only offering me a very low default size of 800x600 for the 20". I forced it back onto my previous setting of 1280 x 1084.
I remember being impressed with the wide choice of resolutions the first time I installed OSX 10.0.3. Since then it has never consistently given me the same options.
try starting up the computer while holding down command-option-a-v... I dont know if that will work, but it may reset the resolution
Originally posted by macidiot
try starting up the computer while holding down command-option-a-v... I dont know if that will work, but it may reset the resolution

Too late I've fixed it already.
What's the a-v supposed to do?
Where the heck does Apple post these obstruse commands (and why does it keep switching the buggers to cause us further angst) ?
This has to be one of the stupidest bugs that's in OS X. I hope it's fixed in Jaguar(I'd check but I don't want to go through all that trouble :p)
Originally posted by devonferns
This has to be one of the stupidest bugs that's in OS X. I hope it's fixed in Jaguar(I'd check but I don't want to go through all that trouble :p)

yes i had the same prob, once i was able to switch the res back blind! the other time (don;t ask) had to reformat HD!!! UFS install. OS 9 can;t see it! ah
You will all be pleased to know that we had a power outage and it happened again. Only this time it was much harder (took 4 switches) to get it to break out of the black screen.

Don't know how much fun it is undoing and retightening those @#%$# monitor plug converters at the back of the G4.

Lets put it down to yet another attempt by Apple to push another stubborn long term user of Macs over to the dark side.

Does Apple get a Microsoft commission on Windows converts? They should be owed quite a few million now: :rolleyes:

What's the a-v supposed to do?
Where the heck does Apple post these obstruse commands (and why does it keep switching the buggers to cause us further angst) ?

I actually found that the day before, I got an applevision 850, and it wouldn't display any video, so I downloaded the user manual, and found that key combo in the trouble shooting section... it is supposed to reset the monitor to factory specifications, It didn't fix my monitor, but I heard the monitor make some noise when I did it, so I know it did something....