Monitoring Macbook Temperatures

Mobius Rex

In light of the ongoing issue of Macbooks/Macbook Pros running too hot, it would be really interesting if Macbook/Macbook Pro owners would monitor the temperature ranges of their laptops and post them here. Using something like Temperature Monitor:
should work.
I read of one Macbook Pro owner getting a reading of 170 Farenheit (77 Celsius), which seems just too friggin' hot!
And there's the issue of some Macbook batteries swelling up, probably due to getting too hot(an overheated battery can cause one's laptop to burst into flames!).
I'd like to get a Macbook Pro at some point, but definitely not until Apple finds a way to successfully keep MacBooks running at cooler temps.
It's important to make something clear here: _What_ is getting this hot? For example, CoreDuoTemp, for example, shows you the temperature of the processor itself. Doesn't mean the _laptop_ is actually this hot. And not in all places, anyway. Mine is usually around 70 Celsius. But under load, it goes much higher. While if I'm only typing for a couple of hours without external power, it's quite a bit lower as well.
Well, of course, I'm not referring to the entire laptop.......even at 70 Celsius folks who rest their laptop on their laps would be rushing to the emergency room of their local hospital with 2nd degree burns!
Since the processor usually gets the hottest, that would be the most salient area to be monitored.
I've got "Hardware Monitor" installed in my PB and none of the monitored points have ever registered hotter than 63 Celsius, and that was with an ambient room temp of about 30 Celsius with the processor under load.
The issue that concerns me is that at consistently higher internal operating temps, something that Macbooks & Pros are currently experiencing, wonky operating behavior and earlier part failures of one kind or another are more likely.
Hm. Dunno. All _I_ can say is that my MacBook (not Pro) is definitely cooler than my PB G4 was. But that's outer-material related, I guess. Maybe the metal just isn't that good an idea, Apple...
My MacBook has:
Smart Disk: 91 Fahrenheit (I think something like 32 Celsius)
CPU: 11 Fahrenheit (Something like 46 Celsius, guessing)
I dont think thats too hot. Is it?
That's much better than what I've been hearing from MB's and MBP's.. did something get fixed?
I guess it's rather a matter of which tool was used to read out temperatures. ;) and 11 F for CPU sounds definitely wrong. :p
My 1.83 MBP is avg 28-31C on the CPUs and 30C on the HD however I can get CPUs up to over 60C running it hard under Parallels before the fans kick in.
New MacBook 2GHz - CPU temp averages 50-65 C (CPU-MenuTempreature). Fan comes on in high 70's (not very often) but is way to hot to keep on my lap. I am making a lap stand for it.
Bought my MBP 2Ghz, 512mb RAM, 80gig HD on Monday Aug. 7th.

I have found it to idle around 48-52 degrees celsius. When surfing the web and using a database program I have installed on it, it has been running at about 54-57 degrees celsius. This is while running it off the battery. I have not measured temps while running off the AC adapter. Nor have I run the machine under a heavy load yet.

I have found that it ALWAYS runs noticeably hotter to the touch off the AC adapter, whether it is charging the batter or the battery is fully charged while running off AC doesn't seem to make a difference. When I disconnect the AC adapter and run off the battery only, it runs noticeably cooler.

Maybe the difference is because when running off the battery, the CPU clock speed is throttled back when it is performing meager computations.

i have a macbook 2.0 ghz 512 ram (till my new ram comes in the mail tamarraw) and when importing video in imovie my cores are running 78C+ but the outside of the macbook is barely luke warm. its on a lapcool2 right now so i think that helps with the outside temp but not the cpu temp
What's Apple's current stance on the issue? Are they considering it a problem and are issuing people with interim fixes? Or are they still maintaining that there is nothing wrong with the machines?
They released the fan control update which definitely made things much better...
Currently, I'm browsing the internet, and importing some photos from my camera into iPhoto. Temperature Monitor states that the temperature of the hard drive is 30ºC and the two CPU cores are at 18ºC (!!).

I haven't had any problems with heat so far with this laptop. Admittedly, it's only been 5 - 6 hours but I'm not complaining ...
everything was going good today then now my macbooks fans are full blast withing 5 mins of boot, and the temp is jumping higher and higher every second for no reason when idle it gets 81c!!! wtf help
problem solved... i open up task manager to find print job manager sucking up 100% of my processor cores.. wtf
You guys do know about the new macbook SMC firmware right? If not, go download it. My housemate's macbook idles at about 100 - 110f. after the update. It will peak at 170 under load, but the fan will ramp up nicely and the temperature will settle down between 150 - 160 maybe even lower.