More Fuel for x86 Fire

They might be referring to rumors that apple will adapt their computers to use the 64-bit ppc 970 in development by IBM... But Apple and AMD could make some nice, cheap processors too...
This article doesn't make the suggestion. Here's the paragraph that does not add to the OSX on x86 rumor:

AMD's Athlon64 chip, coming in September, will function as a 32- or 64-bit chip, depending on the software loaded onto the machine. IBM's PowerPC 970 will do the same thing. The chip comes out later this year, and Apple is expected to adopt it.

I don't think Apple will switch to x86 unless IBM somehow falters in its release of the 970.
Originally posted by Stridder44
Whatever Apple does, we know it'll most likely be great!:D

And hopefully it will also be cheaper AND faster than anything else out there, too :D
Nice find Dixonbm.

However, why such animosity between platforms? Geeze. I dont know about people. Everyone favors their platform more than the other, and bashes it for what ever reason. I take the open approach.

I work with Windows (all), Aix,Linux, HP-Unix, IBM O/S 390 and now MacOSx. Why not embrace all of technology? :(
Originally posted by djliquidice
Nice find Dixonbm.

However, why such animosity between platforms? Geeze. I dont know about people. Everyone favors their platform more than the other, and bashes it for what ever reason. I take the open approach.

I work with Windows (all), Aix,Linux, HP-Unix, IBM O/S 390 and now MacOSx. Why not embrace all of technology? :(

...let's all embrace all of technology! Now, if only we could convince M$ to do the same :rolleyes:

:D ;)
Originally posted by Pengu
I wouldn't call Windows a technology.

no offense, but i would be willing to bet that winxp has a good bit of technology in it, considering how many bits of hardware it works with compared to osx ;)

closed minded, ignorant statements are getting old guys, i dont care you if you dont like something, thats your opinion, but to outright say that windows isnt a technology is pushing it a tad :p

anyways, interesting article ;)

i couldnt care less what they do with the processors in apple computers as long as it performs well enough to get the job done, because in the end that is whats most important, getting the job done :)
Originally posted by Jason
no offense, but i would be willing to bet that winxp has a good bit of technology in it, considering how many bits of hardware it works with compared to osx ;)

closed minded, ignorant statements are getting old guys, i dont care you if you dont like something, thats your opinion, but to outright say that windows isnt a technology is pushing it a tad :p

anyways, interesting article ;)

i couldnt care less what they do with the processors in apple computers as long as it performs well enough to get the job done, because in the end that is whats most important, getting the job done :)

...Windows isn't really a technology!

Is a window that leads people into major troubles :D

I'm trying to be funny here! Of course Windows (the versions that are based on NT like 2K and XP) are offering great technologies... And I for one CANNOT wait for Windows Server 2003 :eek:

However, all this "Windows Rights Management Services (RMS)" that M$ want us to adopt by including them in Server 2003, I think that are wrong steps leading M$ and its customers in a wrong direction...

Anyways, I really want to have Windows Server 2003 ASAP... :eek:

I'm telling you guys: I'm going to become the greatest of all Jedi! Welcome to the newest member: The Darth Vader! :D
Originally posted by fryke
You're walking on dangerous paths, Hulkaros... :p

I think it is my Master's (Motorola) fault because he always holds me back?

Or because I'm in love (with OS X) and it's forbidden for me to love?

Maybe because I started to trust the Emperor (M$) more than Master Yoda (Apple)?

Or simply because the Dark Side (Wintel) offers more power (Windows Server 2003+3.5GHz) a lot easier?

Whatever, the real answer may be, Darth Vader is uppon you!

Originally posted by ApeintheShell
hulkaros...but you have to take revenge on the sand people(open source) in order to join the empire(ms)

...let's not forget also that Darth Vader throws the Emperor (M$) into his doom and Vader becomes again a Jedi! :D

So, relax! It's me actually, your apple-loving friend ;)

Or should I say the Anakin Skywalker? :D
Im hoping apple leans towards the Intel side...
Apple computers have never been cheap, so I think Apple should look for quality instead of quality. AMD (in my opinion) isnt a quality chip compared to Intel chips.
Just recently, I watched a video that tests very recently new Intel and AMD chips, and when they took the cooling fan off the AMD, It froze the computer OS, and the chip caught on fire. Then, they did the same to the Intel chip, the OS didnt freeze, but the processor speeds slowed down untill it could stay at a stable temperature. (INTELigent, eh?)

Its not that I dislike AMD, its the fact that Apple is (or might be) going for another chip that is behind in processor speeds compared to Intel. (not by much, but you get the point)

I dont understand why apple wont make OSX more universal to the X86 platform. (as in capable on running on a regular P4) This would not only boost sales, but increase the favor of apple. I also think that this would lead to hardware sales too.

But we'll see how Apple plays the dice.
Hmm... It's an old story. Apple can only release an open Mac OS X to the X86 crowd if sales make up for the hardware sales, because they'd lose the hardware business rather sooner than later.

And as often as people cry they want Mac OS X on X86, they wouldn't actually shell out 129 USD for a copy. Some would, but most wouldn't, and 50% of the Mac crowd would switch to Intel or AMD hardware, because it's cheaper and faster (right now). And some 20% of those would not buy licenses, either.

It makes no business sense right now, for Apple to open Mac OS X to the X86 crowd. And by the way: It _is_ open to the X86 crowd. Buy a 999 USD iBook. OS X is free with it. And you get a good UN*X notebook, too.