More RAM for OS9


Marvelous Da Vinci
Staff member
How do I get more RAM for Classic applications ?

I have 460 MB RAM in my machine, and it seems that only 64 MB is used for Classic environement and applications, which slows down these applications a while !
You still have to allocate it. Open the info dialog on a classic application and you can change how much memory it should use
Oo.. you can do that? hehe, I'll have to try that for some of my apps later. I only have one program that I have to use under classic, since the company that made it went under, so no X version, ever.

Don't get me started on my rant about how I hate how Apple made classic mode. I HATE IT! They should have built OS 9 PPC app support into 10 somehow, and made it so the apps boot under 10 and call like a ClassicPPCLib, just like how OS 9 has CarbonLib. Oh, and classic apps should be automatically "fit" into the OS X GUI, I hate looking at an OS 9 screen in OS X. Ok, I'm rambling and totally off topic. Too much coffee :)
Originally posted by ulrik
You still have to allocate it. Open the info dialog on a classic application and you can change how much memory it should use

It doesn't work: the old app will take all memory available for OS9, but it will not grow above OS9, and as Classic is limited to 64 MB, the app cannot use the 128 MB I want to allocate for it !

Therefore I would liket o allocate more (128-180 MB) for Classic.
I think we're talking about two different memories here. My machine with 1 GB of RAM shows a VM of 1.05 GB used by TrueBlueEnv, which is Classic environment. What are you using to determine how much RAM is used by classic, other than the terminal TOP command? When I had only 256 MB RAM, TrueBlueEnv still used over 500MB of VM. There's no easy way to adjust that, except with changing actual RAM installed. again, where do you derive the 64MB figure?