Most likely new product at mwsf?

which will be the biggest news from mwsf?

  • upgrade or revision of laptops

  • upgrade or revision of towers

  • upgrade or revision of imacs

  • upgrade or revision of ipod

  • a new iapp

  • an upgrade of appleworks

  • a completely new 'office' type application

  • a completely new peripheral

  • release of os x for x86

  • introduction of a whole new model mac

  • usb 2 capabilities

  • other

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mac shaman
just wondering what people are expecting to be the big news at mwsf. seems pretty unlikely we will see anything as big as last year's imac unvieling, but that doesn't mean there isn't going to be something worth getting excited about. while i figure a few of my hunches will happen, which one do you think will be the biggest news?
Ed, although i know you didn't mean it so, the BIGGEST Suprise would be OS X for X86! But i am sure everyone would agree on that, i think you meant something other by this post!!? :p
i'm not asking what people want, i'm asking what they actually expect. in other words, which of these would you not be surprised if it is the biggest news at mwsf.
Lower prices on a few Mac models
Revised Final Cut Pro
Revised AppleWorks
Revised iPod / lower prices?
Revised iChat
Revised iTunes (MP4!!!)

That's the most I'm expecting altho I don't think half of those will be true. :p
Anything else would be great. Just wish I could go! :p
I'm thinking a new iPod revision will make it's appearance

A new iApp would be nice though...especially one that would let me talk via voice with my sweetie overseas...i've heard iPhone being thrown around as a possibility for this. Would certainly be nice...

...and it would save me a lot of long distance bills :p

I'm thinking the iApps are in need of upgrades now anyways. iCal, iPhoto, and iChat are all in need of upgrades to handle speed/feature issues.
I think the software arena will most likely receive the most attention, including updates to existing iApps and possibly the introduction of a few others. Specifically, iSync should have matured out of beta form.
MacRumors refers to some rumors concerning bluetooth support in all its major models (will be anounced at MWSF):
apart from this, which people might not find very interesting, i do not believe there will be any major hardware announcements. i assume that announcements will mostly concern software (a new browser would be good). on the other hand, i do hope that there will be a speed boost in the Power Macs and maybe lower prices for all models. A cell phone would be asking for too much i know, but lets hope that they have something like this planned for the future :)
everybody talks of 64 bit processing.....
but u actually hav no idea what that means...
could anyone explain why this is good?
the newest iapp will be called ibelieve which will help all the doubtful members of this forum believe Apple's ability to make them suprised.

there will also be a new device called
ispeak and spell. It will be geared towards
older adults when they forget what they were thinking about. Plus it talks back to them in robotic sounds. Neat! Comes with built in mic and ability to play stunning math games that are faster than the calculator app! They'll have hours of fun laughing with this device that they'll gladly pay $300!

finally, i think they should update the towers when the time is right.

p.s. fryke..your icon looks like wittgenstein. creepy.
what about quad Power Macs ? wouldnt that be cool ? i dont know if its possible. but if somethin like this did happen, i dont think any1 would expect it, it would be QUITE a pleasant surprise :)