Most used Apps

I'm no moderator but this isn't a rumor and shouldn't it be posted in the cafe section of the forums?

I'll give mine anyway:

• Mail
• Entourage
• Safari
• Firefox
• iTunes
• iPhoto
• Acrobat
• PhotoShop
• Illustrator
• InDesign
• Flash
• Dreamweaver
• FreeHand
• Stickies
• Address Book
• iCal
• iSync
• Transmit
• Preview
• Network Utility
• Call of Duty
• Microsoft Office 2004
• Zinio for my mags
• Finder
• Adium
• Mail
• Safari
• SubEthaEdit 2
• Cinema 4D XL 9
• Konfabulator
• Photoshop CS
• Terminal
• Synergy
• Transmit
• iTunes
• CSSEdit
drustar said:
I'm no moderator but this isn't a rumor and shouldn't it be posted in the cafe section of the forums?

You are perfectly right. fryke having posted in a thread does not make it a rumor or news, thus this goes now to cafe'. ;)

My most used change a lot, due to work.

Apart from work related special apps --
now the most used:

SubEthaEdit (for any code editing and notes) (1.3.4)
Safari (for work)
Shiira (for work)
iChat (for work), addressbook, ical (All for work)
a bunch of specific applications for work (sorry, no names).
network utility, terminal, preview .. those for now.

So pretty boring, ain't it? Can't wait to reinstall stuff on my Powerbook (once I get a bigger hard drive to it) and make a new interesting install.. ::angel::
Not in any particular order:

MSN Messenger
Microsoft Word
Photoshop CS
Toast Titanium
Final Cut Pro HD
DVD Studio Pro 3
Final Draft
DVD Player
System Preferences
Yahoo! Messenger (although it doesn't seem to like Panther very much :P)
Apple Mail
Alias SketchBook Pro
openCanvas (through Windows XP, through Virtual PC 6)
Address Book
iChat AV
MSN Messenger

But the big Number one is definitely Dock. Can't live without it. Especially with number two, LaunchBar, helping.
Hello everybody. I'm glad to show you my most used programs on my G5. I've tryed some alternatives, but I chosed that ones. In most of cases, I try to be updated, but sometimes I prefer not to do it, for some reasons:

- Internet browser: Firefox (in MacOS I use 9 iCab)
- Mail: Mail
- FTP client: Fetch (I will try "RBrowserLite", thanks to "quiksan")
- Download files: Speed Download
- Burn: Toast
- Image manager: Graphic Converter
- Music: iTunes
- Video: VLC (for AVI, etc), Playlist Player (as Quicktime, plus reproduction lists).
- Icon customize: Candybar
- Serial file permission manager: Chop
- Disk cataloging: Disktracker
- System utilities: Onyx
- Compression: Stuffit Deluxe
- Finder extras: Default Folder + A-Dock
- Some extras: Konfabultor (Calendars, volume controllers, iTunes remotes, "Sweetsearch", and others)
- Resource edit (for Mac OS 9): Super ResEdit

But after I will prove some of your sugerences, my list may change...

(Note: Pro apps were provided via my work.)

- Image editing: Photoshop (the one an only)
- Vector Design: Freehand
- Layout: QuarkXPress 4.0 (on Classic)
- Font management: Suitcase (Adobe Type Manager Deluxe on Mac OS 9)
- Text editing: Word (Because most of clients and friends don't know about - - other text editors...)
- HTML design: Dreamweaver
- PDFs: Adobe Acrobat

Don Guijote, from Spain.
Power Mac G5, Sony Ericsson T630, Tungsten E.
I'm surprised FruitMenu hasn't been mentioned. I've been using it almost since it came out. Great utility.
Browser: Apple Safari
eMail: Apple Mail
Instant Messaging: Adium/iChat
IRC: Snak
FTP: Transmit
News: NetNewsWire Lite
VoiceChat: Skype
Download: LimeWire/Poisoned

Graphic Design:
-Adobe Photoshop CS
-Adobe Illustrator CS
-Adobe InDesign CS

Web Design:
-Macromedia Dreamweaver MX 2004
-Macromedia Flash Professional MX 2004
-Macromedia Fireworks MX 2004

3D Modeling and Animation:
-Maya 6.0

Animation/Video Editing:
-Adobe After Effects
-Apple Final Cut Pro

-Word processing: AbiWord/AppleWorks/TextEdit
-Spreadsheet: AppleWorks
-Presentations: Keynote
-Calendar: iCal

-Music: iTunes
-Video: Quicktime/VLC Media Player

System Utilities: