Motorola??? New PowerBooks?

Originally posted by Meltdown
I think that if a powerbook goes G5 it will be the 17" model, not the 12 or 15".
The 17" may have the size for cooling a G5. The 12" and 15" are to small.

The G5 is actually cooler than the G4.
The year of the laptop can be construed as nothing less than a disaster for Apple. The 15" Powerbook is now over 10 months old. The 12" and 17" are 9 months old. This is a lifetime between product refreshes.

The delay is obviously related to CPU problems. Motorola apparently can't even get Apple enough chips for the Powerbooks to be updated. I would be surprised if the next refresh of the Powerbooks were any speedier than 1.25ghz, as that seems to be the fastest G4 Motorola can provide Apple in sufficient numbers (and would fit in the PB).

You can bank on Apple working feverishly behind the scenes to do whatever it takes to get a G5 in to the Powerbooks as soon as humanly possible. Remember, Apple makes higher margins on Powerbooks, and it's the market segment where Apple actually beats the competition on price most of the time.
I know I'm just beating the dead horse here...

I'm a student and I almost got a laptop last March. For some people on this board, the difference between March and September is plenty of time between computer purchases to consider a new one but my first and only computer is a blueberry iMac I bought 4 years ago. I don't just go around buying every update. But I'm certainly not going to buy a computer when new ones are "imminent"(as they were in May).

So now a new semester has started... I'm stuck on a tray loading, non firewire, non bluetooth, non airport, non lcd, non portable computer. Needless to say, I'm aching for whatever they release and I hope the rumors are true that Apple's planning to sue Moto when this is through.
Originally posted by arden

What are they planning to sue Motorola for, not delivering?

I don't think Apple'll do anything that drastic. They'll probably decide with their pocketbooks. By the time Motorola updates every important line to 90nm so they can produce 1.6GHz 7457's, everybody else will be able to put out their CPUs at 90nm also. And what will a 90nm 970 be like? It'll either run at 35% less power or 25% faster with no architectural changes. This means a 1.2 GHz 970 will only use a little over 12W - definitely within Powerbook limits and since it's produced on 300mm wafers it'll be cheaper.:D