Motorola RzrV3im & 100 song limit in itunes


Does anyone know a work around for the 100 song limit in itunes for hte motorola V3im? I have a 1gig memory card in my phone and want to utilise this feature. any ideas? tia
That limit is not in iTunes, that limit is in the cell phone. You are barking up the wrong hardware tree.
Oy, couldn't you technically just mount the SD card in OS X and drag .mp3's to it? I figure your phone is smart enough to recognize audio files on a card, no?
I'm pretty sure I read that those phones only have a 100 song limit, so there's a high chance that there's no way around it.
Also I wish my Sony Ericsson W600 has room enough for 100 songs. Oh well, that is why I have my iPod for.