mount an ejected hard drive.


official breaker of macs.
let's say, hypothetically, that someone were to, say, eject a secondary hard drive.

now, let's say, that, hypothetically, disk utility had it greyed out and it wouldn't mount again (the mount option isn't greyed out, but it just won't mount... no error or anything occurs when i try).

how would i, er, one, hypothetically mount his secondary hard drive?
Have you -- er, has one :D -- tried mounting it via the terminal?

Does the drive appear on reboot?

If bootable, does the drive appear when restarting, holding down the option key?
Yeah, you can probably get it to mount by typing sudo autodiskmount -av.

Optionally, if you have an alias around of that drive (and maybe one that's some file on that drive), double clicking it will usually have the drive mount.
Assuming it's an internal, shut down the Mac and pull the power plug, then:

Hypothetically throw down the side of the Mac

Hypothetically unscrew the the thing

Hypothetically yank all the cables out of it

Hypothetically stuff all the cables back in it

Hypothetically screw the blasted thing back in place (with a masonry bolt because it feels better)

Hypothetically slam the side of the Mac shut

Hypothetically kick the stupid power plug back into its stupid little holes in the wall


Not Elegant. Not sophisticated. But one feels more relaxed.
rebooting does work, but it seems strange that i can't mount it once it's ejected without rebooting the machine.

i'll try autodiskmount later today.

thanks for all the, er, help everyone =) i'm still trying to find a masonry bolt.
there is a way, it's unix d0h ;)

tried "sudo systemstarter restart"? or wazzat function

else find out what specifically does os x use to mount disk on bootup
Why did you, um, hypothetically unmount your external hard drive?

And why must it be a hypothetical situation? We won't judge you here, you idiot. ;)