Mount ext2 FS in MacOS X

Thinking further about VirtualPC, if you managed to create a disk image of your ext2 filesystem you might be able to use it with VirtualPC (even boot off it).

You could also put the hard drive in an external USB box since VirtualPC can use USB devices (you have to tell VirtualPC which USB devices to have absolute control over). I doubt you could boot off it, but you could probably read it if you have ext2 drivers for Windows or if Linux has support for USB drives.

Personally I would suggest taking my original suggestion and just booting off a Linux/PPC CD. You woudln't need to install Linux anywhere, just boot off the CD then move your files to a volume Mac OS X can read.
So after much bickering about microkernels ...

I guess the point is that OSX does NOT recognize the ext2 filesystem. There is a project going on on sourceforge, but like most of the projects there, there is no documentation about what is going on. I guess I'll have to try to contact someone connected to the project to see what is up and what needs to be done.

Well. The only solution I can see is to use Virtual PC as a go between for my situation. Or reformat my SD card to the less than optimal Fat file system. Oh well. Maybe OSX will get something going someday.

Can't you use dd to convert your ext2 hard drive into an ext2 disk image? If so you could just boot that disk image directly in VPC.

Connectix has a VPC forum which their developers watch.