Mounting bracket for 3.5 Zip drive in mirrored door PowerMac g4???


A friend just bought herself a mirrored door G4 and needs to move her EIDE zip drive to the bay below the CD drive. But the zip being 3.5 and the CD being 5.25, we need an adapter.

I'm a recent switcher, so I'm not yet adept enough to know what the hell I should pick out. Can somebody point me (a URL would be great) in the right direction?

Also, it looks as if the only way to get a new bezel for this thing will be to buy a Zip 750 (like this one). Anyone know where I can buy that bezel sans drive?

Thanks a 10^1000
Any shop that sells PC parts should be able to supply you with a bracket. You just need a low profile (half-height) 5.25 to 3.5 adapter- fairly common. I don't think the drive comes with a usable bezel, (you'd have to trim it to fit the opening, and I think you'll have to chop a hole in that pretty door?
Suggestion: Forget the internal Zip, go to USB flash drives, much more convenient, or at least an external USB Zip.