Mounting ftp servers on the desktop?


Has anyone had any success mounting ftp servers on the desktop in Jaguar? I read somewhere that this was one of the new features, so I gave it a try. I attempted to connect to one of my machines running OS X using the address ' in the "Connect to Server" dialog in the Finder. Sure enough, I got a prompt for a username and password, which I entered, and then...nothing happened. Nothing mounted on the desktop or appeared in a Finder window, and no error message either. Anyone else having any luck?
I just connected to
mounted right up. (on Desktop)

I remember doing this when 1st installing 10.2 and connecting to a friends ftp server. I entered pswd and user. It mounted right up. Weird thing is, I had read permission but I did not have write permission.

I logged off and then connected via Fetch using the same pswD and user. Doing this I had both read and write permission.

I'm not sure why that is. Anyone? :confused:
I can connect to my FTP server, but all I see is one folder with the 'root' owner.
Everything else I have uploaded via my ftp account that is owned by my ftp user in the group 'ftpusers' just won't show up.

I thought about trying to make a new group on my Mac with name 'ftpusers' and make my User a part of it and try again, but the PC with Win XP sitting besides my Mac does connect just fine to the FTP server and everything shows up. So I don't feel like doing the extra work... :rolleyes:
I don't think Apple has implemented that feature with full rights yet.

We will have to wait for them to add more than just read rights.
It doesn't work for me at all, I've been trying to use it to mount my webspace from my internet prodiver for easier uploading. It asks for my username and password and after I enter that it pops up a little dialog saying connecting to server with a non-moving progress bar and it'll just sit there. I can connect via the terminal ftp just fine.
It would be nice to be able to get it to work properly. Unimplement (or poorly implemented) features bother me.

Plus, it would be nice to be able to load a document from an ftp server directly into an application, edit it, and save it back, without having to first save to a local volume.
Originally posted by ericmurphy
It would be nice to be able to get it to work properly. Unimplement (or poorly implemented) features bother me.

I've found that trying to use the internal FTP browser at all is the quickest way to make my system freeze up.

Plus, it would be nice to be able to load a document from an ftp server directly into an application, edit it, and save it back, without having to first save to a local volume.

Open Apple J will do that if you have BBEdit installed.

I too had weird results with connect to server for FTP on Jaguar. RBrowser Lite so far seems to do exactly what Jaguar can't quite. And it's free for the lite version.
I got it work work when i put in my server. Don't forget that www/ directory or whatever you see when you get in via an ftp client.

But after it mounted i didn't have write access. :(

Originally posted by dcheck
I've found that trying to use the internal FTP browser at all is the quickest way to make my system freeze up.

same for me, on my 10.2.2 installation :mad:
I've noticed the same thing with 10.2.2, if I try to mount an FTP server onto the desktop I get the login window just fine, then once I login it just says attempting to connected to *servernamehere* and I get the pretty spinning wheel, and then the whole system freezes. I can still switch apps for a little bit, but I can not even bring the Force Quit window up, so I am forced to do the three-finger-salute. It's very annoying.

Maybe 10.2.3 will address this?
