I'm working on mounting a network shae via the terminal. I need to write a login script. The way this works is every user has a folder on our server so that every time they log in they can save stuff to their folder. I wlould like to mount this foulder via login script so when they log in this folder appears on their desktop. right now I'm using mount_smbfs as my command and it works kinda. if I type: mount_smb -u stu000001 -d my_domain //labserver/student1/stu000001 ./student it mounts //laserver/student1 and excludes the stu000001 folder. I think it might be because this folder is a folder not a share? what I'm asking is does anybody know how to mount a remote folder or any way to fix this problem other than making the folder a share, and is there a way to do it in command line. OR how would I do it using apple scripts? and how would I set up apple scripts as a login hook?