Originally posted by macvillage.net
Ok I entered this:
Server returned error: 1
Because the SMB functionality in MacOSX <-> Windows is kinda broken. SMB expects the called name to match the NetBIOS name of the client, else it all falls apart.
For instance, my laptop, 'propaganda' was leasing an address from dhcp, and had no entry in DNS, so was only accessable vi IP address. Entering smb:// failed with error 1, as you describe.
Next, changed the IP address to be static, and match its (old) entry in DNS, entering 'smb://propaganda/wap' worked just fine.
Futher evidence of what's going on here is found in /var/log/system.log when trying to map via IP address:
Sep 29 22:41:38 turlingdrome mach_kernel: smb_maperror: NetBIOS name is invalid
Nice, eh? And to top it all off, error 1 seems to occur at the slightest error too - like, say, mistyping the password. Fat lot of help that does.
And it looks like NFS is just as twitchy from Finder as SMB is.
Not that I'm complaining, exactly. I mean it beats the heck out of Chooser, and it's a
LOT more than Windows can do...