mounting windows share through firewire


Hi there, I haven't had my iBook long but find most things easy to work by myself. Having said that I am having problems with mounting windows smb shares.

I have my iBook connected up to my XP via firewire and using connect to server I can mount a smb share from my XP machine, so far no problems.
Since a few days ago some of the smb shares wont mount, finder hangs in the process. All of these shares will mount via my wireless router, but it far to slow transfering larger files.
The only thing I can think of is all of the shares that wont mount 5 at one point or another deleted a file on the mounted share from my mac, and I think its after this the share stop working.

The XP machine is formated in NTFS, is there an incompatibility issue here and is so how can I access the shares via firewire again ?
I can still access via the wireless connection but as I said its far too slow.

Thanks in advance for any advice.