I've had a long time problem with some types of mouse clicks not working in Safari. It's not specific to any one mouse (not a mechanical problem, and I don't use wireless mice). I first noticed it happening on the NFL web site, but now it happens on many other sites. Some things can be clicked on successfully and for other things there is no response to the click (but it works fine in Firefox). It seems there might be a connection to the type of content and whether it works or not. For example there might be a series of photos you must click through in order to view and it won't advance upon click, but if I control-click (right-click) it will open the link in another window and I don't want 30 new windows just to see the 30 photos in the slide show. I visited a web site today and it has a yellow pop-up window to select what country I'm in and then click "Go", I can select the country but clicking on the go button does nothing, and clicking on the X to close the dialog box doesn't work either so I can't use the site unless I ditch Safari and use Firefox. Example site: http://tinyurl.com/5c2e9h It may be certain types of programming that my Safari clicks won't respond to... need help.
I've tried Mac's software update and I'm current. Any suggestions? Thanks.
I've tried Mac's software update and I'm current. Any suggestions? Thanks.