Mouse driver problem under 10.1



I tried to install the new Microsoft X USB mouse driver the other day, however it crashed taking the system with it.

After restarting, I noticed that the pointer doesn't respond to any mouse movement at all. Ive tried zapping the PRAM, connecting the mouse to the USB connection on the computer rather than the HUB. Also since my computer is an B&W G3, I've even tried connecting my old ADB mouse, however nothing still happens.

The mouse works fine under OS 9.

Has anybody got any ideas how I can solve this without having to re-install X?

Yep i have tried,

Logged in as root. Loaded the installer, however because Apple can not follow its own GUI guidelines, you can't use the return key to press the continue button.

Greetings James.

The Microsoft driver is designed to be installed under an Admin account, NOT the root user account (Though IN THEORY this should be possible, though not a very good idea, as it gives it total access to your system). It is likely that Microsoft designed the driver to install as Admin level only (it should ask for Authentication when you run the installer).
Try running the installer again to get it installed. If it is already, but doesn't seem to be running, you might try removing the associated files so it allows a reinstall, especially Microsoft Mouse.pkg from your receipts folder (you'll have to be logged in as admin to do this).

As for Apple following it's own user interface guidelines, I think you'll find this is the fault of Microsoft, not Apple (though they are certainly guilty of this in places), as the installer is written my Microsoft.
thanks, however there is only one problem. I cannot use my mouse at all.

I have to log-in as root because other wise, the installer asks me to type in the password and you need to be able to move the pointer to the padlock to unlock it.

I was under the impression that the installer is the standard intaller that Apple made. The same one as when you install OS X in the first place

Given your particular case (needing to click the authenticate password), I suggest either seeing if you can tab activate the password fields, or better yet, reboot into OS9 and remove the Microsoft package from the receipts folder. This should let you reinstall the driver over to top of the existing stuff that isn't working.

As for the driver itself, Apple has no part in it's construction. Microsoft wrote the driver based on the USB SDK (software developers kit) that is available to all developer of peripheral devices. The common installer interface simply shows that the installer is based on that Apple SDK. You'll find that more & more installers have that interface.