mouse not working


I have a tiger server that the usb mouse will not work. The usb keyboard works fine, but I've tried two different mice and neither will work. They light up and are obviously getting power, but nothing happens. Is there something that would have the mouse disabled? I can work fine in windows without a mouse, but I can't find any shortcuts to navigate through the menus to do what I need to do. Is there a shortcut to at least get to the apple menu?
Where are you plugging this USB mouse to? Are you plugging it to the back of the Mac or on the keyboard (if it has the USB ports)?
I still can't get this mouse to work. The light is on and they keyboard works, tried taking out keyboard and using same usb port, still nothing. It is an actual xserv hardware with xraid. Any ideas? I need to get into the system preferences. Is there a way to do that remotely? I can't connect with Remote desktop, and need to check the settings. I have the server admin and workgroup manager that works, but I dont' see a way to get into the sys prefs from here. Any help would be appreciated.
I think the same thing may have happened to me. I recently upgraded to 10.4.4. My keyboard works fine, but my mouse has a strange effect to it. The pointer stays in its default upper-left-corner-of-the-screen position. I can still move the mouse and use it, but the pointer on the screen doesn't move. It'll change to the hand cursor if my invisible cursor moves over a link, or to the text bar if I move over text.

I've tried multiple mice on different USB ports. Also, when I boot from CD, the problem goes away and my mouse works as it should.