Mouse recommendation


Hello All,

Most importantly, my condolences to Bobw's family. You will be missed, sir.

Does anyone have a Mouse recommendation? I currently use an MX310 logitech with the control center installed on a PPC, 10.4.10. On an intel 10.4.10, the control center 'mouse image' doesn't show up in the 'configure device' settings in the System Prefs -I can not configure the mouse.

I prefer corded mice, as I fine them more accurate, and don't care for Apple's mouse. Can anyone provide insight as to what works well? It'll be for an intel Mac, 10.4.10 laptop.

Many Thanks in advance.

He definitely will be missed. :(

Can you configure any settings in System Preferences for the Mouse you have?
Most mice just work, at least when they are just 2-3 button and a scrollwheel.
What kind of mouse do you like? Size, shape, specific use?
My personal favorites especially with laptops are the tiny, laptop size 2 button scrollwheel mice - they work for but not for everyone.
Tip for Logitech Wheel Mouse Optical:
Logitech Control Center configuration for the "Wheel Button"
should be set to "Advanced Click"
with the "Configure Advanced Click" tab settings
"Click Type" = Click and "Button number" = 3.

Still searching for driver on their site. Do you have the cd that came with the mouse? You could install it from that as well to get the Logitech control center.

Can't find a driver for the MX310, only the 300. I would imagine it's discontinued and won't fully function in OS X 10.4. It's been around since the OS 8 days...
I can't access Logitech's ' Device Manager. In system prefs is simply says the mouse name/model, but does not display the icon to click on to gain access to the features associated with that mouse. I can only access the default mouse options.

I prefer a 'normal' size mouse. I need accuracy (why I always preferred corded mice), and found Apples mouse buggy. I'm a designer, if that helps :)

Here's the link to the software:,en?osid=9
I *believe* this is universal binary, but am not sure. I'd like the mouse software to work natively on intel.

Thanks, I appreciate both of your input/advice.
I use the "microsoft Optical mouse by Stark" it has the 2 buttons and the scroller wheel and is laser. On top the cable is extra long so its easy to use.

Added plus is the design by Stark.