Mouse speed



I am using a mini mac with OS X. I have the system settings 'mouse speed' turned up to maximum, but the mouse pointer still moves across the screen a little bit slower than I would like. How can I speed it up more? Would by buying a new mouse change anything?

In 10.4, you can change the mouse speed in this Preference file;


It's an invisible file.

You can open it in Property List Editor and change the speed.

Look for this line; - Number

It's probably set to 1.7.

Change it to 3.0 and see how it is for you.

Log out and then back in.
I found GlobalPreferences.plist - Number is indeed set to 1.7
but I dont know how to change it. When I click it it just highlights it, but i dont know how to edit it.
When you highlight it, you should be able to type in the field changing the number.
I change change the number to 3, then I close Property List Editor after choosing "save settings" but it doesnt speed up the cursor, and when I restart the Mac the setting goes back to 1.7