The following happened to me four or five times now. I use 10.1.1 on my iBook with 256 RAM, much to my satisfaction
, but sometimes the mouse pointer all of a sudden gets very, ve-ery slo-o-ow, a lot slower than the slowest setting in the System Preferences: I move my finger over the pad perhaps ten times to get it from one side of the screen to the other.
Changing anything in the SystPrefs or logging out and in again doesn't seem to help at all, only a restart will cure the poor thing.
Anybody any idea what's happening? What should I do to prevent this, or cure it without restarting? Any help appreciated. Thanks.
Oh, by the way, there's another thing. Sometimes a programme "hangs", and I try to kill it using "Force Quit..." in the apple-menu. Doesn't work. Then I open the Terminal and say "kill -KILL" followed by the PID. Doesn't work. I even tried "sudo kill -KILL PID". Nothing. It just stays there in the ps -axu and in the dock. What's happening? Shouldn't I be able to kill anything with "kill -KILL"? Of course, restart won't work either, only a reset works. But that's not what I want, of course. Anybody?

Anybody any idea what's happening? What should I do to prevent this, or cure it without restarting? Any help appreciated. Thanks.
Oh, by the way, there's another thing. Sometimes a programme "hangs", and I try to kill it using "Force Quit..." in the apple-menu. Doesn't work. Then I open the Terminal and say "kill -KILL" followed by the PID. Doesn't work. I even tried "sudo kill -KILL PID". Nothing. It just stays there in the ps -axu and in the dock. What's happening? Shouldn't I be able to kill anything with "kill -KILL"? Of course, restart won't work either, only a reset works. But that's not what I want, of course. Anybody?