Moved the Utililites folder? whats going on?


OK, this is kind of weird...

After a disk image refused to mount, I tried to load up the disk copy application. However, when I did so I noticed a rather bizarre thing.

My utilities folder had somehow been moved out of the applications folder. When I tried to drag it back in, instead of just moving the folder it copied it. Then it gave me an error message saying that not all of the files could be copied.

Well, I was able to load the disk image finally, but I am stilled worried about that error message. Are some of my utilities going to stop working?

How could this have happened anyway?
welcome to osx and!! i don't know how your utilities got to your root level but i can tell you what is going on now and why, at least from the viewpoint of having experienced this myself with some programs.

first say a few "damn unix crap"'s and then get prepared to learn the new side of mac os x.

because it is now directly on the hd, it has been owned by root. because of all the security precautions built into osx it cannot be removed unless you have root access. other wise all it will do is copy. nothing is harmed as you have it now. all you have is two copies of your utilities. if you would like to get rid of the one on your hd that isn't in applications you are going to have to get into the terminal and maybe the console to enable your root access and allow yourself to make changes.

i have only done this once so i am not going to try to be the one to guide you thru it. but try doing a site search for 'root' or 'enable" or 'permission;. you should find several threads, including the one that helped me do it. if you get stuck after that or still have questions then let us know here.:)