Movie program question


I'm in great need of a movie player for OS X that can play .avi files! I really need one badly! So if somebody out there would like to help out please reply ASAP! Thanks!
let me revise that... some avi files are playable by quicktime... in fact most are. just like quicktime can have diferent encodings of .mov files (eg sorenson, cinepak) so can avi's - so if your encoding of your avi is non-standard windows encoding, then you will need to find a special player... i just tried opening it (i do own qt pro) and it seemed to work fine for me...

I don't want to rag on one of the moderators here...but....

Posting in the help section with a subject line like that (IMPORTANT - Please Read!!!!) for something that is really no more important that anyone else's queries here is not very good etiquette....and I'd think an admin/moderator should not be setting that kind of standard.....the last thing we need in here is everyone's posts to say the same thing "IMPORTANT - Please Read!!!!!" with no hint of the content of the thread.

(end of etiquette rant # 15239)
Trip is also a moderator here, I think he was trying to express the urgency of the problem, if he needs a solution by yesterday, we should try and help him.

If he said that something was super important, and it only ended up being a thread about his printer no longer working, then his title might be questionable.

This site tries to use as little moderation as possible.
Originally posted by Matrix Agent
Trip is also a moderator here, I think he was trying to express the urgency of the problem, if he needs a solution by yesterday, we should try and help him.

If he said that something was super important, and it only ended up being a thread about his printer no longer working, then his title might be questionable.

This site tries to use as little moderation as possible.

If that were the case, then a subject line of something like "Urgent - need help to view .avi file" would have been a much better way to get the message out. We could see the topic and help out if we know the answer.