Moving Application files in Jaguar


Everything I own wants to be located in the partition created with the OSX.
I have loads of gigs open on my other partitions but programs don't want to copy over or they have problems.

What are ther general guidlines in moving my large apps to another partition and having the Main system recoginze the new location. It dosen't seem as simple as the old days with all the unix codes embedded into the main partition under an apps first install.
I would highly recommend keeping applications in the system's default Application folder. It just provides for a smoother computing experience, and you don't get hit with that "cannot find default install location" that some updaters give you when you've moved the Application somewhere else.

If you do want to move applications off of the main drive, I can't say you'll be without problems, but the safest apps to move, I've found, are package apps -- the ones that aren't contained in a folder and are only one file for the entire app. PhotoShop wouldn't be a candidate, since it's got its own folder full of stuff. Also, I would try and keep as many Apple-branded apps in the default Application folder as well.

Basically, try moving one app at a time and launching it after you move it. If it works, hooray! If not, move it back... try again.