Moving iBook in sleep mode.

I move mine in Sleep mode all the time. The only "problem" that has ever happened as a result of that is: every once in a while the touchpad will be unresponsive...course that is more of a problem with unplugging the AC while in sleep mode.

Plus, waking from the Sleep is so much faster than waiting for the computer to reboot.
I always move mine around in sleep mode ... close the lid, chuck it in my backpack, then bike to school ... and I've never had any hassles with anything freezing or becoming unstable.
I've never owned a laptop myself, but I've always wondered what exactly happens when you close the lid and it goes to sleep? For example fink is compiling something in the terminal... does it just pause the compilation and continue where it left off before you closed the lid?
Originally posted by g3joel
I've never owned a laptop myself, but I've always wondered what exactly happens when you close the lid and it goes to sleep? For example fink is compiling something in the terminal... does it just pause the compilation and continue where it left off before you closed the lid?

Yep. Unless it is working on your external firewire drive which you unplugged - then it gets cranky ;)
Yes, the sleep process is seemless. The only time I've ever seen any change caused by a sleep was while debugging some Java code. There was a message in the Java error logs where I took a break and closed the lid, saying "(time) System went to sleep ... (time) system woken from sleep." The JVM was automatically restored and kept running as if it had never been interrupted.

The only processes I don't interrupt by putting the system to sleep are ripping CDs or burning CD-Roms.

If you're playing a DVD and close the lid, then when you wake up it will be paused (at least, last time I checked it did).

The process is fast and seemless. Waking from sleep takes about 1 second on my older iBook 500, and is instantaneous on the newer machines (I've heard from people trying to open a powerbook lid quickly to "catch" the mac sleeping. Cute, eh?)
the iBook manual recommends that you move your iBook only while it is sleeping.

moving it while its awake can damage the HD.