Moving OS X to Other Hard Drive


I was trying to move my installed OS X to another formatted hard drive and found that the OS wouldn't boot from that drive. Are there some invisible files that need to be carried over to the new drive as well?

I had to backup OS X to another drive and delete from the main drive so I could reinstall then copy all the files back for this to work.

cheers, Danny
Anyone have any thoughts about the comparison between CarbonCopy Cloner vs. Retrospect 5.0.205? Of course there's a HUGE price difference, but that aside, does one out perform the other in terms of creating a bootable disk?
I have used retrospect and tried to do just this and it wouldnt work. Retrospect suggests backing up your OS X drive/partition and reinstalling X, applying all of the updates andthen doing a restore to get back all of your settings and files. Just not as easy as copying from one drive to another. :(
Carbon Copy Cloner will create a bootable backup disk (if you want it to). It doesn't have all the features of Retrospect, but it does its primary job quite well.
Hey, tk4two1 - Thanks for the info. I haven't put Retrospect to the test, so thanks for having tried it out. I am a little surprised, but not all that much.

I see there is a Jaguar aware version of CCC just out, and DavidBaker what a terrific site! I really enjoyed looking around, and I'm looking forward to trying PsyncX. I certainly appreciate it being for free, and I really don't understand how you can afford to put so much time and energy into such a thing and then give it away, but I sure do appreciate all your hard work. That includes all the obvious work on your site, too. Very impressive!
Originally posted by dseltzer
I see there is a Jaguar aware version of CCC just out, and DavidBaker what a terrific site! I really enjoyed looking around, and I'm looking forward to trying PsyncX. I certainly appreciate it being for free, and I really don't understand how you can afford to put so much time and energy into such a thing and then give it away, but I sure do appreciate all your hard work. That includes all the obvious work on your site, too. Very impressive!

Well the site comes pre-built from, so you can't say that it is my work. The PsyncX app wasn't actually that hard to do (I just wrote a GUI wrapper for the psync command-line app). I consider it a learning experience as I really wanted to learn Cocoa, but I didn't want to make up a project to work on (so that I could learn Cocoa). This was a good excuse to learn and I'm really glad that some people like it! Keep that positive feedback coming! :-)
