Moving the Dock, How?


i type in...



cd /System/Library/CoreServices/

ls -1

pico English.lproj/DockMenus.plist

Then i go to line "1013" and change the word "command" with the word "menu"

Then i go to line "1014" and change the word "command" with the word "menu

Then when i right click or command click right next to the "Trash", i should have a new option. correct? Why won't it work?
is their any way to make the docking settings load automatically after a restart? b/c mine keeps coming up at the bottom/center
The reason it didn't work is because you don't have to right-click next to the trash. You have to right-click next to the white seperator. Try right clicking apps in the dock...if this doesn't work anymore then you just screwed up your .plist file. If so....just compare your English .plist file with a Dutch one or something...they are (should be)identical. But the best piece of advice has allready been given...get "Docking Maneuvers"..much easier :)