Mozilla 1.2 released

i dont really care WHO or WHAT im supportin while using mozilla or chimera or netscape. i just wanna get my job done as fast and efficiently as possible! if i buy a sandwich from the canteen in my school, i dont really care if most of the money goes to those evil guys who own the school and get richer day by day (obviously im in a private school)! as LONG AS i like what im eating, i am satisfied...

what id like to know is... whats so bad about AOL? i dont really know much about it.. so i just wanted 2 know why some1 wouldnt want to support AOL :) thanx...
ed- you of all people should realize that your coming onto this thread, waving your anti-aol banner, you're asking for a battle. if we really wanted to know how badly you hate aol, we'd go searching the forum for your opinion of aol. don't foist it upon us, please.
boi - i made it easy for you. you don't have to search the forum for my opinion. i provided a link.;)

(don't forget that we have many new users since that time. just because some of you have heard it over and over, doesn't mean everybody has. those who have seen it before can easily ignore it as they have obviously made their own informed decision already which is all i want people to do.)

oh, and obviously the functionality of mozilla has changed quite a bit since that linked thread. which is a pretty positive thing unto itself i suppose. :)
Ed please keep your opinions to yourself. This is the most extreme comment you've ever had.

Alot of people use AOL and it I happen to be one of them. I like AOL and I am highly offended that you would suggest that just because AOL owns the Netscape trademark that means Netscape is some evil peice of software.

Nothing about Netscape 7.x is evil. It is a fine browser but in case you haven't noticed, How you get to the web isn't important anymore. It's a war that was fought and Microsoft won. Clearly your focus should be on what makes AOL so evil.

I like that they offer a package to get you online and yes so what they offer services to stay afloat. This company is just like any company trying to stay in business. Apple is no different... oh wait did you not forget that Apple created AOL? They planted the seeds for what you hate so much today. Sure they sold AOL off eons ago, but Apple created that culture and it's hard to get rid of a culture in a business. Once its there, it's there for good.
1) I am glad someone who uses the term "nazi" to talk about Ed has been banned. You see, I don't share Ed's opinions here about AOL, and I have already received some warnings from him (cursing, P2P topics...), and i'm still alive. I call this a good mod.

2) Mozilla may be great. After all, since NOTHING in the Mozilla interface evokes AOL and/or any other commercial company, why not. But STILL, I prefer Chimera.

Let's capitalize the whole world and place an ad in every OSX browser window . Let's have the Dock with scrolling ads, let's have a screensaver which displays ads for free porn and cheap CDs of cracked software, let's have an email program called Spam instead of mail, with 40 ad mailings every day instead of friends' news.

You see, we're already in this world. Almost :D.