Mozilla + OS X is awesome, but...


I think I'm gonna make a switch to Mozilla from IE. I read about Mozilla in Time today, but was skeptical, because I've used NS6.2 before, and the experience stank. But Time had glowing things to say about Mozilla's speed, and being a non-geek publication, I felt those words had to mean something. (No offence, but rabid fans of any sort, for Linux, MS, Apple, the Catholic church can sometimes overlook some serious flaws in the object of worship...)

Time was true to its words. Mozilla is FAST. Pages render instantly where IE5.1 took ages. It feels like I got an extra 300MHz tacked onto my chip. Only thing I miss is the aesthetics of IE. Its weird MS is able to make such a pretty looking product for Mac yet also make a butt-ugly monstrosity like XP. Mozilla, while handsome, is pretty bland compared to the graphics on IE.

So the weirdness is, is there a way to enter the URL in Mozilla in that window at the box at the top-center? It seems that's where you type a search string for a search engine, but I'm used to typing URLs there, and Mozilla doesn't do anything when I do.

Can I change something to make it do what I want?:confused:
as far as good looking browsers go, OmniWeb is the best. far better than IE for looks. if you like the speed of mozilla on OSX, try chimera. it s mozilla with a cocoa frontend. still a little rough around the edges, but a very nice browser nonetheless
Yeah, Chimera is great, but not good enough to use for everything yet. I'm proud to be using it as I type, but it still crash on certain sites, dan't display downloading correctly and the latest version is buggyer then ever...

Go with OW for looks, iCab for speed & compatibility and Mozilla for Tabs for now...
i dunno, i cant use these alternate browsers until they use the same flash detection scripts that IE does... not to mention the fact that as a web designer, the thought of having more browsers on my system that i have to code for sounds pretty tedious.
After using Mozilla for a few more hours and trying out the tab feature, I am hooked. IE is now banished from the dock. But I still can't type URLs into that little text box. When I do, nothing happens. It was like that with NS6.2 as well. It just started happening one day. IE5.1 lets me type URLs there though. :confused:

I tried OmniWeb, and though it seems nice, it doesn't seem to show every site correctly, and still I have to say IE5.1 looked the prettiest. Oh well, I guess you can't have it all, unless an IE5.1 skin was made for Mozilla. Hmm, how does one go about making themes?
Originally posted by rinse
i dunno, i cant use these alternate browsers until they use the same flash detection scripts that IE does... not to mention the fact that as a web designer, the thought of having more browsers on my system that i have to code for sounds pretty tedious.

As a web designer, rinse, shouldn't you be testing your page on all kinds of browsers so as to make sure everyone can see it properly? I prefer not to see tags on pages saying "This page should be viewed with Internet Explorer."

-the valrus
Originally posted by Valrus
"This page should be viewed with Internet Explorer."

Those types of pages make me sick and degrade the quality of the Internet. W3C is there for a reason.

For Mozilla themes, go to View > Apple Theme > Get New Themes

it'll take you to a page where you can apply some themes. I'm using Lo-Fi right now. It looks really good and keeps the UI simple, and not all huge and ugly like "Classic"
Right now I have RC1, which crashes when I try to get a theme. Apparently I need to try one of the nightly builds - maybe I will sometime. For now, though, Chimera suits me just fine in 95% of what I do on the web.

-the valrus
Ooohh... Pinstripe is NICE.

Maybe I can stop using Internet Exploder once and for all now that Mozilla is faster, non-M$, just as powerful, AND just as nice-looking.

-the valrus