Mozilla without Mail?


Depressed as hell
Is there any way to install either Netscape 7.01 or Mozilla without installing all of the junk that comes with it? I have a preference for Mozilla, but I don't even want the Mail program to be there.

Don't set up the mail prefs in Mozilla, you can't use that mail accessory if there's no settings. Chimera, Safari, and iCab (and others) don't have built-in mail. Take your choice.
Of all those browsers, Mozilla is the only full-featured browser. Remove the mail option from it (who uses it seriously when Mail is available?) and it's the best browser. Speed it up like Chimera, and suddenly it's the greatest browser in history.
.. yes, _just_ take away mail and AIM from it, change it's superugly interface and speed it up a lot and make it lighter and i can think about using it :)
Gia, I think that's what Chimera is for...
But yeah, I'd sure like the choice not to use Mozilla Mail, it's one of the few reasons it's not my main browser...
On my Debian Linux system, you can either install Mozilla (browser, mail, chat) or mozilla-browser (browser only). So its a matter of packaging. Someone needs to grab the source and package only the browser.