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Just wanted to let everyone know. The newest build of Mozilla rocks for me!!!!
I've been checking back on this browser for about 3 months now hoping it would speed up. Well, it is now far faster than IE and well.. is now my default.
Give it a shot.
I tried the latest version the other day, and I was about to make the switch (the Icon was right next to IE getting ready to launch a full scale attack) and then suddenly, I realized "Hmm.. I ain't got none of that there java support in thissy here browser."

I meant to post here asking if anyone knew how to get java to work in it, but I got kinda busy making my <a href="">WINDOWS XP PARODY</a> :)
Please pardon my possible ignorance but do you mean Java or javascript?
And if you would. please give me an example of the type of Java you use in a web browser. Thanks.
I think JavaScript works, however whenever I see a java applet it tells me I need a plugin to view what's suposed to be there.
yes javasript totally works in Mozilla. I dont know that I visit sites that use java applets so I guess i dont really miss that feature.:)

I cant believe how much i love this browser now. It makes me feel like i traded my cable up for a T1!
I did use Mozilla for the past few months and loved it, but the window redraw and startup speed (plus the age it takes to open a new window!) really put me off.

I'm back using Explorer now (which is fine for me).

I did try the latest mozilla but those issues didn't seem to be addressed.

However, browsing is alot faster than Explorer.
Window opening is too slow: Use tabs. Great Mozilla feature.

A T1 is 1.5Mbps in both ways afaik, Cable (depends on where you live) is 0.5Mbps down, 0.1Mbps up. So *no*, Cable is *not* faster. :)
Cable I think really depends on where you live, I get a consistent 1.5Mbps when I go to those web sites that test your connection speed.

About Mozilla, I think the tabbed interface is very cool, but is there a way to direct a link to a tab by holding down a modifier key?
BTW>I usually open a site like this one and cmd-click on all the threads that I want to see so that each thread opens in a new window.

I figure that the window opening and startup must be on the top of things to fix for future releases. I've downloaded and tried most updates waiting for this to be fixed so I can finally switch.
I should note about cable modems here.... Recently time warner capped the max speed at 2Mbps. Before that, the speed was not capped and people in more rural areas that still could get the service got spoiled with 10Mbps internet connections!

I was not one of those, :( but they sure made a stink when their service was cut down from 10Mbps to 2Mbps. :D

Of course, ultimate speed is a matter of how oversubscribed the internet uplink is. TimeWarner seems to be pretty good about that AFAIK.
I agree that application startup is about 3 seconds too long but window opening is the same aas IE for me. And I only have to launch it once whenever I restart which is like every three or four days so thats tolerable.

So how do I use the "tabs"? I saw how they work somewhere once but I haven't checked them out for myself yet. How do I manage or utilize them?

To use tabs, just go to "File->New->Navigator Tab"; use Command-T; or right-click (or click-and-hold, or control-click) on a link, and select "Open in New Tab" at the top. To close a tab, you can right-click on the tab and pick a choice, or hit the x on the right to close all of them. It's an awesome feature, and is a heck of a lot faster than opening a new window.
Originally posted by Red Phoenix
To use tabs, just go to "File->New->Navigator Tab"; use Command-T; or right-click (or click-and-hold, or control-click) on a link, and select "Open in New Tab" at the top. To close a tab, you can right-click on the tab and pick a choice, or hit the x on the right to close all of them. It's an awesome feature, and is a heck of a lot faster than opening a new window.

Thanks alot! This was the first feature that made me want to try out Mozilla, now that its so fast and I have the tabs, AND it hasn't crashed at all, I am totally content. Even if they release newer builds that may get slower or whatnot, im set!

I also just found that if your at a website you can hit command+t and then drag the little bookmark to the new blank tab.
The tabbing feature has actually been possible for awhile before it debuted in the release builds- it's all made possible by XUL. My guess is that creating a new window requires new instances of some really top heavy XUL structures- whereas the tabs are a lot more lightweight. At the very least- they take up less on screen display memory (since it's still one window).