

I know Mozilla is a browser made by many. It really is terrible because more websites I go to (with this browser) first gives me pop-up ads. Any way I can get rid of these? Using Navigator (Chimera) version .06 there are no pop-ups.
it's in the preferences under javascript or something like that.
Yeah, under prefrences, advanced, javascript, there should be a bunch of check boxes (assuming you're using 1.2), some of them are to the effect of "allow javascript to open unrequested windows" uncheck it, and you won't get those annoying pop-ups. There are a bunch of other options to have javascript not do annoying things. If you're using mozilla 1.0/.1.1, there is a checkbox that says to block popups.

Thanks for the your help. Yes that did the job for Mozilla. How about for Netscape? Is it possible to do the same for it? I chacked it out and there is nothing about unrequested junk.
You're out of luck on netscape. Why you ask, well, netscape is owned by AOL/Time Warner, AOL/Time Warner makes money by selling pop-up ads, they get money when people click on them, they aren't about to put out a product that keeps you from getting the pop-ups that they make money selling, cause, well, they wouldn't make money doing it anymore.

(Netscape 7.0)
In the ADVANCED preferences, select SCRIPTS AND PLUGINS and deselect OPEN A LINK IN A NEW WINDOW .... This seemed to do the job -- no more pop-ups. I don't know what else I deselected. So if I am costing Netscape some advertising time -- sorry but I think AOL sucks.