MP3 File Rename


Is there any way (app, script or other) that I can rename multiple MP3s in a directory (and sub directories)?

I saw a few apps for OSX that renames files - but not in the way I want to do it.

For example, take this MP3:

Quit Riot - We're not Going to Take It.mp3

I want to rename it (and all files within that same directory and possible sub directory) to:

We're not Going to Take It - Quit Riot.mp3

I had something for the PC - but I don't want to move all my files back and forth just to do that! :p

Thanks for any help.
There's also "A Better Finder Rename" that will do this for you.

BTW - it's Quiet Riot, not Quit Riot. This doesn't matter anyway since "We're not gonna take it" is by Twisted Sister. :D
Tormente, that is one kick ass of a computer setup you got there! The Mac is the best outta all those! (Well, In My Opinion)
I visited Tormentes webpage, too. And my opinion is the same as BlingBling's :) N now I wonder whether theres only even one person out in the world that would place its nice G4 tower under the desktop (as most PC people do place their ugly grey towers...)

Also I wonder whether BlingBling's a HipHop fan?!? :cool:
I keep my PC tower safely behind closed doors... literally! The tower isn't in my room, it's in my closet 8 feet from my monitor! The monitor and keyboard and other periperals are serviced by LONG CABLES! Oh well, my room stays quiet by not hearing the fan, and my closet is way colder than my room. So maybe it's all really a good thing!

See attachment to see what I mean... and it's really basic...

O yea, I do like hip-hop, but not as much as punk rock and other genres. I can only stand to listen to it so much... only in moderation...


  • room.jpg
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I just thought u could b a HipHop fan cause BlingBling's a song from Juvenile (as far as I remember...) :)
Got the inspiration from the "Bling Bling" video by the Cash Money Millionares... saw it on BET while flippin channels...

and just to clear up things, i'm caucasian (white) and because of the name, i've been asked what race I am, but it doesn't matter to me....
Thanks guys. :D
My setup was the result of better days before I was let go due to the economy and 9-11.

Now I'm trying to keep those nasty toughts of selling some of it just to keep my head above water. :(

Not that anyone would give me much for any of the beige boxes anyway.

About the MP3/File Renamer, I didn't find any that did the same as one I had on the PC, and now that I got my external firewire drive working, I'll just throw 'em all in there, connect it to the PC and rename 'em, then bring them back to the Mac.

About keeping a Mac tower under the desk...
I did such atrocity in the beginning... I quickly learned my lesson after finding scores of dust bunnies inside from my shag carpetting. Never again did it go under the desk! :)

As for the PCs being in sight - this is the only way to rectify the problem a little:

But in order to do that, it must have this:
And have a Unix/Linux OS running! :D :D :D